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yoda1721 karma

How much do space suits leak (air)?

yoda1715 karma

Thanks. I've always wondered about this, but could never find anything.

I used to work on vacuum process equipment and know that everything leaks...

yoda176 karma

Won't this drastically increase inequality? Live in SF or NYC with a high paying job and access to all the cultural things people claim to want or live in an apartment in rural Oklahoma and watch tv all day?

yoda173 karma

I live in rural high desert. The vast majority of people around me are people who were at Woodstock and in many ways ware still there. They're big into art and crafts and sustainability. It's one of the poorest areas of the country. Why are the two different outcomes?

yoda172 karma

I can't say for this case, but in the past (for me), facilities have their own response teams that they want you to call first.

Often with dangerous materials, they are more trained something obcure for than a general fire dept.