Highest Rated Comments

zandadoum6 karma

you don't have to bulldoze them. in fact doing so is BAD. if you leave them be, they respawn after a while on their own. if they were abandoned, you have a problem somewhere. bulldozing doesn't fix that problem and will only make people come in and abandon it again until you actually fix the root problem. exception: burned down. those you HAVE to bulldoze yourself

zandadoum4 karma


awesome new patch, with a few hickups here and there, but here's my (first xD) question:

It seems you forgot about adding tunnels for pedestrian path too, which is a pity as you had the code for it... Is it possible to make it work through the modding API or could you add it with a small patch?

zandadoum2 karma

i'd like to add to 2) if they'll actually gonna improve the usefulness of airport... way to expensive for just too few passanger traffic imo.

zandadoum1 karma

ok, so my first question was answere elsewhere ;)

question 2) would you consider improving the asset-thumbnail-adding even more? you did some stuff this last patch, but it's still really confusing and way too many steps for a simple thumbnail. plus: where can we find the documentation to make it work properly? i only found one post by a community member with almost 10 steps to make a simple thumbnail (and i am talking post 1.1.0 patch)

zandadoum1 karma

this has been responded to many times. in order to save computer CPU cycles, car AI calculates best route at the start and sticks to that best route unless something happens (rmoved a road, traffic jam, etc)

if your cars only use 1 lane, that is because the other lanes are useless to them. easy as that.

i build my cities so all lanes are used (except 1way 6lane which is hard to "fill")