Highest Rated Comments

zing27430 karma

Curious if you believe in god?

I did high school biology with a little help from your documentaries in Kentucky, USA, in the mid-90's.

My teacher was a Christian, and there were school districts that were banning evolution in schools at the time for creationism. I am an atheist, but was always impressed how my teacher bridged the gap between Christianity and biology with the same wonder that you bring to your work.

zing27171 karma

How has the technology changed since you started? I just was always impressed in how you got across the advances that you were witnessing with the BBC crews...

zing2718 karma

What? SIR David is online, and you want him to write your exam?! You should edit your question :).

zing273 karma

I feel like my bipolar tendencies are exacerbated by my perimenopause and turn into PMDD. Any recommendations/ thoughts on this?

zing272 karma

After seeing Life of Mammals, I couldn't stop myself from telling people at parties how happy I was to be a mammal and how amazing we all were...

You owe me.