Highest Rated Comments

zombie93932 karma

What is a guilty pleasure of yours?

zombie93931 karma

So...has anyone done any kind of ground surveys in the area to find possible coffins, gravesites, etc?

zombie93931 karma

Haha good response, thanks for the laugh!

On kindness, to me it’s the will and motivation to do something completely selfless. No expectation of any reciprocation. Sometimes being kind is telling a lie, or hiding a thing. Sometimes a kindness can stand on two different sides; is it better to carry on with a thing hoping it gets better or to end it in an instant?

zombie9393-2 karma

Good morning Tom, thanks for doing this.

How do you think cases of “He/she undressed me with their eyes” should be handled since there really is no hard evidence?

We had some corporate training that talked about this and it seemed like anyone could be a victim depending solely on their own opinion.
