Highest Rated Comments

zombie_eyes4 karma

Hey! Thanks for responding. Quick subquestion. I'm currently going for mechanical engineering and am having to take this damned circuits class...because you know. You take a little of everything. And I loathe it. Like beyond loathe. Was there a class you had to take that was like that? Which sub-branch are you in? Like mech/Aero/biomedical/biomech etc? I'm losing hope.

zombie_eyes3 karma

Ah, found the answer. Ok, subquestion, what is the body temperature control system going to be based on? I thought one of the "blinded spacewalked" issues was from a breach in a liquid cooling system. So i assume there are issues with the current system. Are you guys going to still base the system on a liquid coolant?

zombie_eyes1 karma

Have you come up with a solution to the whole "liquid cooling system spraying all over your visor and leaving you blind" thing?

zombie_eyes1 karma

Like....I love electronics, have built circuits since I was a kid, but if it's too small it explodes and I put a bigger one on. Who cares about phase angles....there are weird electrical people for that. I wanna make things damnit. Not figure out what might happen if I did.