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zynthalay18 karma

You could require any drone on American soil to publicly broadcast any video. It wouldn't solve the problem, but it would mitigate some of the damage. Of course, I'd also like to see officers recorded, and responsible for the well being of those recordings in a way that hardly seems possible today. I'm a proponent of aiming to intentionally be a sousveillance society - I agree with David Brin on the benefits it could bring us. Do you think it's possible to come to a point where our government can productively address radical but beneficial, or future study based policies?

zynthalay10 karma

Someone is absolutely going to try it at home - did you hear about the person who tried to DIY fix their lactose intolerance?

zynthalay9 karma

I think one should be 'Bob'.

"Police today worked to contain 'Bob' as he ran amok through the downtown area. See the swath of destruction at eleven!"

Seriously though, thanks for being out there and doing what you do. Any chance you need an assistant to carry tools or coffee or whatever in exchange for a body B and a reasonable salary?

EDIT I read further down that you work with a Dr. Minksy, which I'm assuming is a typo on Minsky. If he's with you respect++, and could you tell him I loved The Turing Option?

zynthalay9 karma

You know, the random attacks are terrible, and all...

But i wish the next asshole who decided he needed to kill some folks would use a sword so i could point to him and explain that the weapons don't make the massacre, it's the asshole.

zynthalay8 karma

Given the number of times he's gotten people to 'let him out', I'm going to go ahead with 'Yes' for that one.

I really want to know what he's telling people in those sessions.