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zzziltoid229 karma

Are you kidding me? I had an MRI in the US just because I had some vertigo... But to be honest, I am very assertive in the doctors office. You pretty much have to as a woman because they often don't take us seriously.

zzziltoid127 karma

Mike Patton was a great choice for the soundtrack to Crank movies. How as it working with him?

zzziltoid30 karma

I have IBS too so that's what they blame half my complaints on... And anxiety. That's the biggest one. I swear I would die if I was actually having a heart attack some day. They tried to say my very real bladder disease was anxiety. Took 3 doctors.

zzziltoid8 karma

I’ve found in my area that I pretty much have to ask for the solution to what I think my problem is, and it’s been so frustrating.

Same. I have legitimately just asked please prescribe me X so I can try because Y is not working. And no, it has nothing to do with the "ads for meds" non-US people whine about. I get most of my info from clinical studies and anecdotes from other sufferers.

zzziltoid3 karma

I feel this way pretty much every day. I remind myself that at least I'm still alive. Many are in pain with an end date. Even when I am flaring so bad I am crying, I don't want that end date any sooner.

Also, therapy.