Comments: 1773 • Responses: 66  • Date: 

Cenk-Uygur895 karma

How awesome is it to work with an American hero like me?

Ana-Kasparian617 karma

I know nothing about working with American heroes. On the other hand, I know a lot about working for a goofball. :)

Ana-Kasparian871 karma

How do I get more people to up vote this? I'd like to beat Cenk's up-votes ;)

eramel385 karma

Hey Ana! Have you ever smoked a 'splooge'? ;)

Ana-Kasparian401 karma

I'll never live that down, will I?

OCC112199 karma

What do/did you think about the name Young Turks as an Armenian?

Ana-Kasparian311 karma

I don't love it because it causes a lot of confusion. But we have been clear about what the meaning is. We rebel against societal expectations. We don't believe in following the establishment. That's what it means. It has nothing to do with Turks or Armenians.

giridharkezia196 karma

The moments I really appreciate on the show are when you and Cenk disagree on something, resulting usually in a lively and informative debate! My question for you is, do you ever feel overpowered by Cenk's opinions on things or do you feel your ideas are given equal footing on which to be presented? Btw both you and Cenk kick so much ass, ofcoooooourse I would end my question with that!

Ana-Kasparian288 karma

Cenk is an intimidating guy. But I love that because I've learned a lot from him. I like debating him because it makes me a better debater. For instance, if I know we're going to disagree, I come correct and bring the facts to back my argument up.

Ana-Kasparian177 karma

This is fun. Ask me more.

Cenk-Uygur146 karma

Who is the best online host in the world?

Ana-Kasparian156 karma

Alyona Minkovsky.

Nievvein144 karma

Do some of the comments on videos involving you, usually a bit demeaning upset you? As a female I would be annoyed.

Ana-Kasparian347 karma

It gets annoying when I do a story about something I feel passionately about, and the majority of the comments are about my "boobanies." I go out of my way to cover up so people can pay attention to what I'm saying. But I can't get too upset. I guess being told you're attractive is not the worst thing in the world. Also, I realized that there are lots of people paying attention to the message and that's what counts.

PriestPants140 karma

I don't have a question to ask. I just wanted to say that I really like the show and I appreciate all the work that you fine people put into it.

Ana-Kasparian123 karma

Thanks mister!

abcxyzy8123h123 karma

Do you read the comments?

Ana-Kasparian365 karma

Hell no.

2localboi122 karma

Sometimes TYT comes across as united political party (kinda), but what are the biggest political divides amongst the TYT crew?

Ana-Kasparian356 karma

Often time Cenk and I disagree on social issues. For instance, when we did that story about the 10-year-old who shot and killed his neo-Nazi father, Cenk wanted him to get the maximum sentence in jail. He would be behind bars until 23. But I wanted the boy get psychological treatment instead, because I felt that he was a victim of psychological abuse and didn't really comprehend the difference between right and wrong.

fffan9391122 karma

Will you try a Bane impersonation on tonight's show, assuming you'll be on?

Ana-Kasparian155 karma

Oh geez!

antsmasher105 karma

Does Cenk have legs?

worldsfirsanalrapist39 karma

I constantly wonder this too, but I'm currently seeing some on Current right now.

Ana-Kasparian209 karma

He does. He brags about how his legs and ass are in shape. He runs for exercise. But hey, isn't this supposed to be about me?! ;)

unseenpuppet103 karma

Be honest. John totally has a thing for Lisa right?

Ana-Kasparian169 karma


the_crumbling_temple101 karma

I commend you for standing SO MANY freaking comments just referring to your breasts. In Demeaning and explicit ways.

Welcome to reddit BTW.

Ana-Kasparian100 karma

Thank you.

ddrock94 karma


Ana-Kasparian161 karma

Fuck yeah!

johnnysexcrime84 karma

How much banter on TYT is spontaneous?

Ana-Kasparian152 karma

A lot of it. We're unscripted so a lot of our conversation is spontaneous.

roberrt00783 karma

when you went on msnbc..... is it all- that you thought- it would be? and how do you feel about it now? just asking.... : )

Ana-Kasparian255 karma

I was the cute girl who came on to talk about irrelevant stories in the last 5 minutes of the broadcast. I'm much more fulfilled doing the online show.

schparrow82 karma

You are very passionate about women's rights issues and the negative messaging constantly sent to young women and girls regarding sexuality. Besides being a good role model to young women through your work on The Young Turks, are you involved in any other projects/charities that address these issues? Or, do you see yourself being more involved in the future, perhaps using your communications talents as a spokesperson? I'm a male but the passion I have seen by you on these topics leads me to think you would make a great impact.

Ana-Kasparian89 karma

I want to branch out and do other non-media related projects. I love the idea of working for a charity. I just need to do my research and figure out which one meets my passion.

iAmMichaelOfReddit80 karma

Do you go on reddit a lot? If you do what boards?

Ana-Kasparian236 karma

No. But I should. I hear you guys like to party.

dizidoro78 karma

(Quickie) Keep it real: What is your guilty pleasure!?

Ana-Kasparian212 karma

It's illegal, so I can't say.

Ana-Kasparian216 karma

I'm just messing with you. I really like to watch The Real Housewives after working all damn day. It gives me a chance to watch stupidity and turn my brain off.

highlulu75 karma

been a huge fan since 08, really support what you guys do there. my question: what was it about TyT that convinced you to take the risk in a startup and stick it out even after obtaining your masters degree?

Ana-Kasparian160 karma

Great question. Well, after I graduated with my journalism degree, I worked for CBS Radio and disliked the fact that the old model would result in me never amounting to anything. I was working as a production assistant and I was never given the opportunity to do more. So when TYT came along, I "jump en et." Cenk put me in front of a camera immediately, and that was what I wanted to do. Even though it was a startup, I loved that fact that he was real and honest. I loved the show immediately and was willing to take risks to watch it grow.

snyx73 karma

hey Ana, what word would you use to describe Sarah Palin?

Ana-Kasparian295 karma


MikeTangoKilo64 karma

What is the process of choosing a story to be on the show (web and current)? How many of those stories make the show (because of a good discussion or Cenk being Cenk, etc.)?

Ana-Kasparian83 karma

I like to cover stories that are off-beat but have an important take-away. I love to go on That site has a great list of zanny stories of the day.

PlaceboLauren9264 karma

You arranged a lot of the TYT interviews, who was the strangest person you came across in doing so and why?

Ana-Kasparian163 karma

S.E Cupp, because she was a nobody with a ridiculous book, and now she's on national TV with ridiculous commentary. Also, Orly Taitz.

Toalmaster58 karma

Do you ever just look at your professional life and think, "Wow, how did I get here?" I mean this from a purely positive context.

Ana-Kasparian147 karma

No. I look at my career and I say: "I need to do more." I love my job. But I feel like I have a long way to go in my career.

MikeTangoKilo56 karma

Is Jayar a cool guy or the coolest guy ever?

Ana-Kasparian100 karma

He is pretty cool, AND he has an adorable son.

RomanIXLegion53 karma

Mac or PC?

Ana-Kasparian203 karma

I love my Mac. No viruses yet, and I watch a lot of porn.

Kidding. But I do love my Mac.

sgurdog52 karma

What would be your idea of a perfect Democratic ticket for 2016 and why?

Ana-Kasparian123 karma

Alan Grayson and Russ Feingold

squidrooster52 karma

I have been aware of TyT for some time, but only recently have I started watching regularly. I attribute that to you, as you seem to anchor the course of the show with seriousness. What I mean is, I like Cenk, but sometimes his delivery can be boisterous or obnoxious, sometimes to the extent of cheapening his point. I really don't think I'd be watching the show if you weren't there to balance things out.

Which brings me to my question: Sometimes, you will discuss a serious issue--often regarding women's issues or sex in the media, something like that--and Cenk and company will provide silly or irreverent feedback in a "boys will be boys" vein. Does that--or the fact that you're practically the only woman on the set--ever irritate you?

Ana-Kasparian84 karma

Sometimes it does. But I think I deal with it appropriately. I let them have fun, and then I try to bring it back to the real issue.

errsta51 karma

how do you think the republicans will adjust after yesterday's walloping? Will they take the short term gains that come with moving to the right, or will they look long term and expand their appeal (read: pander to Latinos)?

Ana-Kasparian123 karma

Of course they'll try to pander to minorities. But minorities are much smarter than that. The Republican party has been saying disparaging things about them for quite some time. The only way the Republican party has a chance at gaining momentum again is if they let go of their ridiculous right-wing conservative ideology. Look at the ballot initiatives that just passed. We legalized pot for recreational use in two states and legalized gay marriage in three!

Clarrisani48 karma

Private prisons or private colleges/schools? Which one do you think is the most damaging?

Ana-Kasparian167 karma

Ugh. Prisons, because those fuckers actually influence our laws. I can at least warn students about for-profit colleges.

chris_urru43 karma

has Cenk considered running for any political position in the future?

Ana-Kasparian58 karma

I don't think so.

LuciferSam94441 karma

How did you find out that you have the interest to report on news/politics? And how did this lead to your current position at the young turks?

Ana-Kasparian80 karma

I remember being politically outspoken in high school, and I always wanted to be in media. I thought ABC's 20/20 was the best show when I was in middle school (hey, I was a kid), so I became driven to pursue journalism. I just knew from an early age, and I'm tremendously lucky for that. It usually takes people a while to figure out what they want to do.

resistance52738 karma

Hey Ana big fan of the show! What you do for fun besides the show?

Ana-Kasparian95 karma

Eat and sleep. I also love to dance and hike.

jthomas9136 karma

Hey Ana!

What is the most important issue for you in Politics at the moment (if your answer is money in politics, what is the second most important issue to you?)

Have you been offered any jobs outside of TYT? Do you see your future being with TYT?

What is your favourite hobby outside of work?

Also just a side note I think it would be great if you had some international correspondents, I think the weakest part of TYT is when you talk about international issues without knowing too much about the situation in the country you're talking about. A bit too much SPECULATION.

Anyway love the show keep it up.

Ana-Kasparian91 karma

Hello! Of course money in politics impacts everything, but the second most important issue is health care. My mom has kidney disease and we were lucky enough to have the money to get her the treatment she needed. But I think about all the people out there who don't have the luxury, and it really gets me down. The thought of losing my mom early because she didn't have access to health care makes me livid.

Also, we plan on doing an international show. Stay tuned for that.

Cannibalzz35 karma

Do you think the US should recognize the Armenian genocide?

Ana-Kasparian66 karma


chadbowman030 karma

Have you ever considered leaving TYT? How long do you plan on staying? You and Cenk make an amazing duo, sad will be the day when that ends.

Ana-Kasparian81 karma

I have considered leaving. There have been tough times where I couldn't handle the constant feedback from the audience. We get evaluated every single day. But overall I love my job so I decided to stay. I'll be here for a while.

gmo41829 karma

Ana you started tyt-u and kinda now handed it off to John. What other new show would you like to start as part of tyt network?

Ana-Kasparian65 karma

I'm officially the host of "The Point." Check it out on

starjuana28 karma

Ana, who did you vote for?

Ana-Kasparian114 karma

Jill Stein

AnamTuirseach28 karma

Hi Ana, I'm a big fan of the show and have been watching for several years now. What's your opinion of the Puerto Rican referendum calling for statehood? From what I've heard from people today it must be the second most talked about part of yesterday's election after legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington. (And for some reason people seem most concerned about the ramifications it would have on the U.S. flag.)

Ana-Kasparian46 karma

I'm sure the Republicans would hate that. I don't think Congress will approve it.

Mx-yz-pt-lk27 karma

If you could have any imaginary animal as a pet what would it be?

Ana-Kasparian86 karma

I don't like imaginary. I like the real deal. I wish I could have a hedgehog. They're banned as domestic pets in CA.

Gabranth26 karma

No questions, but I love the show. You're consistently entertaining, informed, and a joy to watch. I only just bought my TYT membership last month but it felt so great to support something of such high quality. Thanks, Ana!

Ana-Kasparian44 karma

Awe! Thanks :)

MrRonizzy26 karma

What has been your best experience while on The Young Turks?

Ana-Kasparian81 karma

Right before Christmas of 2010, Cenk called each one of us to his office individually and told us about certain things we achieved that year. Later that night we had our company holiday party at this Cuban restaurant and just celebrated our hard work together. That was very memorable for me because it was one of those moments where the sweat and tears paid off.

BoreDominated25 karma

Have you ever thought about doing a series of Nostalgia Critic-style videos that detail all of TYT's mistakes? I don't know if you're aware, but the NC uploaded several videos entitled "The Nostalgia Critic's Biggest F*ck Ups" where he critiqued, corrected, and joked about his own errors for a laugh, and it helped a lot of people to identify with him and his sense of humour. You guys should take note of any factual mistakes, bloopers, or any occasions where you've dropped the ball big time for whatever reason and then compile them into an occasional video where you make fun of yourselves while at the same time being informative. I'm sure you don't make a lot of missteps because your team seems very well researched, but nobody's perfect, it would be awesome and refreshing to see a lighthearted video series dedicated to TYT's blunders in my opinion. :-)

Ana-Kasparian59 karma

Oh man, I have A LOT of material for that. I would like to do that sometime in the future.

2localboi25 karma

Why did TYT take down the video of you guys mocking Jonathan Krohn? I loved that video, made me laugh soooooooo much!

Ana-Kasparian52 karma

Did we take that down? I have no idea.

KimHorcher22 karma

Ana, yes, I have a question. Why are you so awesome? And do you know where the guacamole is. I want some.

Ana-Kasparian37 karma

In the fridge ;)

SenorJiggs22 karma

Love the show! I was just wondering if you guys consider yourselves journalists or rather commentators? I might not know the crew very well, but do you guys have actual journalists doing research, interviews, etc. or do you focus rather on commenting the news? Whatever you do, keep up the good work!

Ana-Kasparian75 karma

I consider myself a commentator. A journalist goes out on the field and gets the story. They're the ones who do the tough work, and I admire them for it. I think I might pursue that in the future.

WildSlime20 karma

What about the children?!

Ana-Kasparian51 karma

Yes! What about the children!!!

Ninja_Fang19 karma

I feel like a great big noob for not knowing this but, how do we watch the TYT live? I know you guys have a channel on The Current, but other than that how can we?

Ana-Kasparian54 karma

gmo41818 karma

Are you still bitter with Luke Skywalker?

Ana-Kasparian37 karma

A little.

QueenSpicy18 karma

I thought of a better question. What do you think about religions still having tax-exemption status? I feel that everyone should pay taxes regardless; given the separation between church and state, this seems rather simple.

Ana-Kasparian69 karma

I don't like government subsidizing religion. So no, I don't think they should be tax exempt.

ihavenobias16 karma

What was it like being on that Showtime special with The Daily Show's Larry Wilmore? Will you be on The Daily Show soon?

Ana-Kasparian48 karma

It was pretty damn awesome. Hopefully I'll be on other shows soon! :)

dizidoro16 karma

Hey ana! What was the latest story you covered or read that makes you think - 'This is why i love my job!' ?

Ana-Kasparian56 karma

I love the stories were Cenk and I laugh hysterically. If I throw my head back in laughter, that means I'm having the time of my life.

inmynothing16 karma

Thanks for doing this. Huge fan.

What's it like on the set with a primarily male dominated cast? And is Jimmy Dore as cool as I think he is?

Ana-Kasparian41 karma

I love my job, and I love the guys! Jimmy is the sweetest! He really is as cool as he seems.

hXcHector15 karma

Would you ever make T-Shirts, Bumperstickers, or anything like that with your "catchphrases?"

*Drams *Amaze-Balls *Get it, Get it

Am I missing others?

Ana-Kasparian63 karma

Probably not. That would be cray.

AkaidaTenzo713 karma

First of all i just wanted to say thank you so much. I started following TYT shortly after the 2008 election and ever since then I've been inspired to run for office. You guys have made the news and politics so accessible that it makes it easier for me to inform my friends and family.

My question is, is that how would I go about trying to work for TYT if I decided not to go into politics?

Ana-Kasparian40 karma

You can email

Alain999912 karma

Thanks for doing this Ana....

Ana-Kasparian18 karma

Of course! My pleasure.

dizidoro12 karma

Whats your favorite sound from the soundboard!? i like: "Get of! Get of! Get of!..."

Ana-Kasparian44 karma

O'Reilly or Bush quotes.

jthomas9112 karma

If you had to leave the US for some reason what country would you most like to move to and why?

Ana-Kasparian57 karma

I don't want to leave LA, let alone the US. But Canada seems sweet.

ajwysocki11 karma

If you could interview any person dead or alive who would it be?

Ana-Kasparian38 karma

Too many to name. I would love to interview Clinton, Obama, Reagan, Mandela, Bush Jr. Thatcher... It's too hard to choose just one. I also love the Silversun Pickups and would like to interview one of them.

Tstrong42010 karma

What is your favorite story that you guys did? Mine is Rodell. Lol

Ana-Kasparian17 karma

Too many to name, but Rodell is up there!

andasen9 karma

Haven't seen you on camera for TYTU in a while. Are you still involved heavily behind the camera or have your commitments to the other shows on the TYT network meant you've had to give up your project to Iadarola or some one else entirely?

Ana-Kasparian35 karma

I handed that show over to John because I needed to focus on many other things. I'm now hosting The Point and we're also working on an international show. John and Lisa are both doing an excellent job with the U!

yokelsey8 karma

Would you be excited by a possible Hillary run in 2016? If not, who would you like to see?

Ana-Kasparian16 karma

Definitely. Elizabeth Warren too.

RomanIXLegion7 karma

Have you ever regretted anything you have said on the show? Gone too radical even for TYT?

Ana-Kasparian14 karma

Of course I have. I started the show when I was 20. Do you have any idea how dumb 20 year olds are? I said a lot of stupid crap. But I hope the audience can see that I've grown a lot through the years.