We are the members of 5secondfilms.com, makers of daily internet micro-comedy since October 2008.

Here's our proof!

We've hit the front page of reddit a few times for videos like "Magic Show Volunteer", "Absence of the Towels", "Missing", and "Late For Work". We've been seen on CNN, Attack of The Show!, Tosh.0, Last Call With Carson Daly, Spin Magazine, Wired Magazine and TIME Magazine listed us as one of the top 50 websites of 2013! and have featured such super cool people like Patton Oswalt, Weird Al Yankovic, Peter Stormare, Juliette Lewis, Eddie Pepitone, Laura Silverman, Andrew W.K., David Koechner, Doug Benson, Freddie Wong, Cyanide & Happiness, and The Room's Greg Sestero!

We are about to do our first feature film called Dude Bro Party Massacre 3! It' s a cheesy homage to the early 80's slasher films.

We are an entirely autonomous production studio / group of recovering film students and, after four years of never missing a weekday's post, we're ready to answer your questions. Should you have any. We're a big group, so if you have any questions for specific members (Brian Firenzi, Michael Rousselet, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Kelsey Gunn, Michael E. Peter, Tim Ciancio, Paul Prado, Jon Worley, Jon Salmon, Ben Gigli, Joey Scoma, Alec Owen, Tomm Jacobsen, Maria del Carmen, Daniel Keywan Hollister, or Mike James) please address them and we'll respond with our initials at the end so you know it's that person. For example, "No, you can't see my dick in 'Absence of the Towels,' believe me I looked. (BF)"

Shameless Web 3.0 plugs: fan us on facebook or follow us on twitter or subscribe to us on youtube should you so choose.

Also check out our merch store for Shirts, Stickers, Shot Glasses, Beer Glasses, and our special 4-Year Anniversary Poster that has every single 5-second film on it!

But above all, please keep watching and supporting our ridiculous insanity. We love you!

  • Rousselet is on the east coast so he is doing the early shift, the rest of the gang will be joining in when the west coast wakes up!
  • Ben just got in front of a computer and is now helping out as well.
  • Brian Firenzi has appeared!
  • Daniel never went to sleep and has been here forever, but never thought to write about himself until this very moment!
  • A Wild Alec Owen appears!

  • Michael E. Peter has entered the ring!

  • That tall weird guy aka Mike James as entered.

  • Olivia joined your party.

  • Maria appeared a while ago but forgot to add to this!

Comments: 1511 • Responses: 83  • Date: 

rfreyna695 karma

Shut. The. Fuck. Up?

Hunkatron452 karma


Definitely my favourite sketch by you gays

Mitty002308 karma



Hunkatron261 karma

Oh shit, hands down worst spelling mistake I've made on Reddit.

Not gonna change it though because I'm a fearless bastard.

5secondfilms338 karma

Don't apologize for a thing, honey. Love the way you own it.(BF)

Hunkatron127 karma

Please S my D Brian

MannyVazquez93131 karma

Please Sign his Dodgeball Brian.

5secondfilms72 karma

I will Slam his Door in his face if he doesn't stop getting fresh with me. You think this is for free? (touches finger to ass cheek, actual steam comes off) (BF)

riots84383 karma

What's your opinion on Vine (that app for iPhone and Android)? Has the proliferation of its use affected the way you do things in any way?

5secondfilms486 karma

Nope. Truth is, Vine is still very different from us. Beyond that, we think what it enables its users to do is pretty cool. Actually, when Vine first came out and launched a six-second film competition at Tribeca this year, we were asked to be the judges. We had a great time, and a lot of the content we saw was insanely good! And that's what we love to see. I imagine 5SF and Vine will continue to coexist without the world exploding. (DKH)

pubeINyourSOUP425 karma

You know those guys who made 5 second films? Well I got an idea that's gonna blow that out of the water. It's called 6. Second. Films.

Endyo27 karma

They should have gone to four second films. Then if users weren't satisfied, they could give them the extra second free.

5secondfilms98 karma

Fun Fact: In the early days, Rousselet was so mad about anybody being able to try something like this, he had me buy several combinations of similar domain names, including 4secondfilms.com, 6secondfilms.com, etc. I let them all go after a while. Maybe I shouldn't have. (DKH)

WolfGangPaco21 karma

I cant help but read this in Brians voice.

5secondfilms121 karma

I can't help but read anything in my voice. It sucks sometimes. (BF)

5secondfilms100 karma

If anything it's vindicated us! They could have made it 5 seconds and blown us out of the water, but the fact that they made it 6 seems to feel like they acknowledge that this is our turf. Also it's help given us more publicity because people keep comparing Vine to us, calling 5secondfilms "the original vine!" We even got an interview on CNN (MR)

ClintonHarvey24 karma

I doubt it, it's difficult to do what these guys do in 5 seconds, they have some serious talent, and people on vine just can't compete, the only thing I've seen to be even remotely close are the Will Sasso videos.

5secondfilms46 karma

Vine is really different. I'm always intrigued to see what people can do with the format, though I haven't seen a lot of folks take advantage of the fact that they're basically making .gifs .jifs.

Vine functions more as a stripped-down peek into someone's world. The setting is usually "coming home after a party" and it's kind of fun to live vicariously through that energy, but as more people start trying to go for complicated narrative storytelling, the more interesting it will get. (BF)

5secondfilms35 karma

We would love to have him in some 5sf! (MR)

OldTimeGentleman279 karma

How much time do you spend on 5secondfilms ? Is it a full-time job, between the preps, the shooting and the uploading ?

How much prep time is involved for those 5 seconds ?

How do you usually write your scripts ? How often does it involve booze ?

5secondfilms249 karma

We've really become a machine about it, shooting practically everything we need on Sundays. At our best, we come prepared with ideas from our creative meetings on Tuesdays, and have every prop or costume ready by Sunday. At our worst, we show up, talk business, shoot the Comments of the Week, and say "uh, okay, now what?"

But we always get something in the can, every Sunday, no matter what. And yes, booze can help with that sometimes. (BF)


So this isn't something you guys do for a living? Do you guys have jobs outside your weekday films?

5secondfilms98 karma

We do it for fun... but it's like a living, but we don't make any money off of it (MR)

FlyingPasta66 karma

That's revenue not profit. It's probably sunk back into props/equipment/website, etc

5secondfilms104 karma

Flying Pasta is right. Also keep in mind there are 14 of us, so even if we did split some sort of profit it would be sort of pathetic. (AO)

photo21 karma

Wait... you don't make any money off of it? What about adsense/youtube network payouts (if you are a part of a network, that is).

Karakkan15 karma

Maybe it's a length issue? The bar ads usually run about 12ish seconds into a video after all.

5secondfilms78 karma

DING DING DING DING. We have a WINNAH. Due to the length of our videos we never have any pre-rolls, which are the central profit source for most online video. In fact, the original reason we started doing Comments of the Week, was to have on video a week that was long enough to have a pre-roll, so we could fix some of our broken equipment and upgrade other stuff. (BG)

GoodGravyGraham186 karma

Are you ever worried the concept of films in 5sec will go dry? I struggle to see how you guys are able to constantly keep it so fresh !

Edit: Spelling

5secondfilms215 karma

We've never worried that the concept for 5secondfilms would go dry, of course that doesn't mean we haven't worried about running out of ideas, since we've been doing this for almost 5 years and have produced close to 1,300 films we still surprise ourselves every sunday when we shoot new jokes. We think the concept of 5secondfilms will live forever, well past us. It's a great exercise in filmmaking and a great way to tell a quick joke. We encourage friends and fans to make their own 5sf! But be sure to pass the link to us, because we love to watch them. (MR)

VideoLinkBot147 karma

Here is a list of video links collected from comments that redditors have made in response to this submission:

Source Comment Score Video Link
Hunkatron 332 Don't Thinko de Mayo
5secondfilms 243 Gettin' Laid
5secondfilms 243 Banishment
5secondfilms 88 Captain's Order
5secondfilms 88 5sf's Comments of the Week - 3/18 - 3/22
SEGnosis 38 The History of Cinco de Mayo
5secondfilms 35 Keeping You Safe
EpicAstarael 25 Dealing With The Devil
antantoon 24 Absence of the Towels
5secondfilms 18 Late For Work
5secondfilms 14 Wink ft. TomSka & MattLobster
5secondfilms 13 CK: For Me
tiradium 12 Sex Kitten
5secondfilms 8 Magic Show Volunteer
5secondfilms 8 The Changeling
5secondfilms 7 Door-to-Door Door Salesman
5secondfilms 7 It Ain't Shakespeare
5secondfilms 7 Missing
5secondfilms 6 Stand by Me 1986 Part 3 of 6
5secondfilms 6 Urine Trouble
KIRBYTIME 4 An American In London
FatalError2319 3 5secondfilms Week in Review #226 OSCAR WEEK
5secondfilms 3 A Harsh Strain
5secondfilms 2 5SF presents: "Dudebro Party Massacre 3" a 5,400-second feature film!
5secondfilms 2 Missing
5secondfilms 2 Family Heirloom
ForeverUhBro 2 Do it for Johnny
Mejinopolis 2 Stay Out of Bad Pun Neighborhood
5secondfilms 2 Little White Lie
5secondfilms 2 The Worst Extra in Hollywood
565656565656 2 Awesome Ways To Fire People #82
5secondfilms 2 Richard Bitter's Favorite Joke
WHATtheDEEZ 2 Don't Sinko Into De Struction
5secondfilms 1 5SF BTS - More Wine Glasses
5secondfilms 1 5SF - Dude Bro Party Massacre 3: Update Video #1
Ghede 1 Super-Psyched
vikingakonungen 1 Aggressive Marketing
whitonian 1 Grown Men Are Talking
ralphred01 1 Pressing Business
awjeahboi 1 5sf Comments of the Week 10/1 - 10/6
simumu 1 Simu Liu Demo Reel 2012 - 2013
hogpiesatwork 1 The One
dtgamerat 1 You Got Mail
5secondfilms 1 5sf Behind The Scenes - More Police Intimidation
Flying__Penguin 1 The Result Part 3 of "Bummer Week"
KIRBYTIME 1 Time Machine
FakeAudio 1 I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you. - Airplane
fullanalpanic 1 Panic Order
RidiculousIncarnate 1 Gigli Trailer
5secondfilms 1 5sf Behind the Scenes - Bad Australian Accents
5secondfilms 1 Sex Toy

5secondfilms31 karma

I like this bot! Link to this now!!! (MR)

meevil140 karma

Hi guys! I've been watching you for around 3 years now, and I just wanted to say you're the funniest, most original bunch of modern comedians going at the moment. Good luck with the Kickstarter, looking forward to see what else you have planned for the future!

5secondfilms104 karma

Thanks meevil! We got so much insanity planned for the future and a lot of it is going into our feature film! (MR)

blastborn133 karma

What is too edgy for you to touch?

5secondfilms339 karma

I think rape jokes aren't really funny. Unless, of course, they are done with a good spin like Getting Laid or Banishment. But everything should be on the table for comedy, no matter what someone is going to be offended, I think a good comedian has to be capable of having a sympathetic heart. (MR)

adacmswtf1188 karma

5secondfilms75 karma

oh man! I forgot about that one. well done (MR)

evan_ktbd71 karma

Banishment is good example of a rape joke that doesn't put the victim as a punchline. It's making fun of the rapist or the actual act. Jezebel has a great take on how to make a rape joke.

5secondfilms53 karma

Quite right. The word has the power to shock and offend and, worst of all, remind. But use it correctly, and it can be an insanely powerful weapon. The key of course is to not use it all the time, because then it stops losing that fun, shiny "correct" luster. (BF)

5secondfilms107 karma

I think one of our most offensive jokes was Little White Lie. Even though our aim was to (and here I go, making sure the joke won't be funny by explaining it) highlight the hypocrisy inherent in some traditional families by showing how a monster of a dad could get upset over a hicky while having no problem with slapping a woman around, it just simply brought up feelings that some people did not want to have brought up.

The mark of any good comedian is the ability to apologize, learn a bit, and move forward. Yes, often the job of being funny involves hanging out right at the edge, finding out what can heal people via making taboo topics funny, but that makes us scientists in a way, not badass leather-jacket-wearing chain-smoking rebels. When we fuck up, we need to have a heart about it. (BF)

MutthaFuzza83 karma

How many times have you guys seen each other naked?

5secondfilms172 karma

In the process of filming Absence of the Towels, a two-take affair, Jon Salmon most definitely saw something. The roommate code includes not saying things like "I saw your dick, bro," so the air hung heavy with silence as we all awkwardly prepared for take 2.

I still see his face sometimes when I turn out the light to go to bed. (BF)

5secondfilms139 karma

a lot of ass (MR)

darkest_timeline76 karma

What is your favourite video/ running joke you've done?

5secondfilms116 karma

Some of them are really weird, like when ever we agree to something we say BARK, our email chains are full of "do you bark to this?" then everyone responds "bark" based on Captain's Orders. The weirdest is "GAY CLIP! GAY BOYS!" A commenter made it and we thought it was hilarious because it could be read so many different ways. Now when we are all in major agreement we shout it all in unison excited! (MR)

adamantos71 karma

Can you include Johnny Quickdeath in your feature film?

5secondfilms59 karma

Most definitely. I mean, I'm playing Officer Sminkle in the movie, but that doesn't mean I can't get a quick death scene in there as someone else. I've earned that right to die, goshdarnit! (BF)

6ashae946 karma

I was sitting at my computer waiting for this for the past two hours :P

  • Please don't think I'm obnoxious, but...what's Olivia's bra size? I'm a girl, and am fairly dying to know whether I have a shot at ever looking as incredible as she does!

  • What prompted you to make a full length film?

  • Are Brian and Maria still dating?

5secondfilms56 karma

Thanks for waiting! In your honor, I will wait to put coffee on for myself until I've answered your questions.

Literally all I know about bra sizes is that most girls don't know what their real size is, and they should all go to xyz and get fitted properly. It's weird that most girls wouldn't know something like that; after all, I know the exact cup size of my balls.

We're all filmmakers at heart. Most of us (most of the dudes, anyway) went to USC's film school, and it never occurred to us that we'd be doing this now. Life is funny like that - but it's time for life to stop being funny, so we can make a funny movie! Basically, what I'm saying is we've always wanted to do this, and now that we're ending in October, we realize it's truly now or never.

And yes, Maria and I are still dating! We're driving up north to Santa Cruz for a few days to hang out with my family and friends there, starting today. We love our six-hour drives, and I particularly love that I don't have to make them alone anymore. :)

That reminds me, I better put on some coffee. (BF)

Ixistant45 karma

You guys have made videos about the British politician Tom Watson previously, and they were brilliant! I'm just curious as a Brit though, why him?

Also, do you guys & gals have any plans to come over this side of the pond?

5secondfilms60 karma

At the time, we felt that shark people were a genuinely serious threat to society, and the only person who appeared to be doing anything about them was Tom Watson. (DKH)

5secondfilms43 karma

That was the official line we fed The Guardian when they called us up in Los Angeles to ask why we made ads about Watson. It became immediately clear to the reporter that we were a bunch of dumb American kids who knew nothing about British politics, and quite possibly nothing about their own country's politics as well.

We've come over to the pond before, to shoot An American In London with our friends, Time Travel Phone with Mark Hoppus, and even a sketch for the channel I own with Maria. Love London. And yes, I'm coming back soon. (BF)

EpicAstarael42 karma

Do you often watch your older stuff and think to yourselves "What the actual fuck?!"? Also, is Satan making an appearance in Dude Bro Party Massacre 3? Dealing With The Devil slays me every time =D

EDIT: Source

5secondfilms29 karma

Sometimes I'm a little envious of the younger version of myself who came up with stuff like Robodog and Magic Show Volunteer, and seriously question whether I've written material to match them since. With Dude Bro Party Massacre 3, I think I have a genuine shot at it.

No promises on Satan - after all, he lives to bend the rules. (BF)

a-blinkin42 karma

What is your favorite film you've made?

5secondfilms99 karma

Grumpy Ben is a personal favorite. Many of us have a special place in our hearts for the dark ones (JS)

5secondfilms49 karma

Still proud of Live Fast. But it is my fervent hope that, when the dust and fake blood has cleared, that Dude Bro Party Massacre 3 lives up to the insane promise I saw in it when we did that first table read. Most culty, funny midnight movies are a blast for the first 30 minutes, and then they wear themselves out because you're not watching real characters or a real story, and you know it, and the joke begins to wear off.

Gentlemen, with this film, I propose...what if we make it so the joke doesn't wear off?

Adjust your monocles accordingly. (BF)

5secondfilms13 karma

The one that holds a special place in my heart is the very first one i ever shot. Meet Paul .I knew I had been accepted by the team when they let me handle such an important joke by myself (tj)

5secondfilms7 karma

CK: For Me (JW)

LadySpace39 karma

Does Olivia have any nice, juicy gossip from behind the scenes of Arrested Development season 4?

Also, Rouss: the scuttlebutt on the Internet is that you're often given credit for initially popularizing the watching of The Room as a group-experience comedy - or something to that effect. Do you feel partially responsible for its status as a cult classic, or would it have gotten the recognition it deserves regardless? Or has your involvement been completely blown out of proportion?

5secondfilms19 karma

That scuttlebutt is correct and from my standpoint it is not blown out of proportion. Michael Rousselet and many of his close friends from high school were responsible for the initial popularization of THE ROOM and also many of the jokes people scream and shout at the screen during the late night screenings. Attending a screening with them after a drunk sushi dinner is a fine, once-a-year delicacy. His relationship with Tommy is very, very, very fun to watch every time they meet. Tommy behaves the gentleman and treats Rousselet very nicely, but I swear his eyes say, "I will kill you, but you fixed my bank account. I WILL KILL YOU. BANK ACCOUNT.GAHHHH" (BG)

5secondfilms7 karma

I really want Rouss to get to this one. He did start that shit. Both him and I were patient zero fans of the Room, we both saw it - separately - well before it was doing regular midnight screenings. We each saw it in a screening room with a couple of our friends and Tommy (very awkward). We met years later and realized we must have met in person several times. (AO)

tricoloredham37 karma

Where is your limit in terms of inappropriateness ?

Also, how far are you in the script writing process for DBPM3 as of now?

5secondfilms65 karma

We think everything is up for laughs, we do try to keep things tasteful (for the most part haha). We have finished a few drafts of DBPM3 (writing is rewriting). The writing process was hilarious and insane. We wrote an outline/character breakdown together and then handed random scenes to one another, and no one was allowed to talk to anyone else about what other's wrote before or after. It gives it this surreal disjointed b-film vibe we were going for. (MR)

beck_lack35 karma

There's a sub that is similar to your line of work. Called /r/youtubehaiku . Your vids are banned though cause it's too easy to spam your works there.

5secondfilms42 karma

We saw this! It's the highest honor we've ever gotten :) (MR)

Regularjoe4230 karma

So, since you are going to film a 5400 second film, does that mean you are going to have a 3240 title screen and 1080 second credits (keeping up all your other work)?

5secondfilms26 karma

You get a beer for that joke. (MR)

5secondfilms18 karma

Har dee har har (shit guys, he figured us out, we need to black bag this Joe character and get him on a one-way flight to a hot zone south of the equator) (BF)

MrHappyTinkles29 karma

What fuels the writer to write such mentally discombobulating plots?

5secondfilms53 karma

(beer and) a warped sense of humor. (MR)

hussep28 karma

Looking forward to DBPM3, I donated to the kickstarter! Is there any chance you will be putting at a dvd or download of all the 5 second films?

5secondfilms55 karma

yeah!!! Thanks so much for donating, we need everyone's help :) We have been talking about making a full dvd of all the films and yes, it will happen one day. I've already been compiling a FCP timeline of every film we've done. Right now it's 33 mins and it isn't even more than 4 months when we started!!! (MR)

ThisFoolThisGuy28 karma

Today I got the idea to film me and my wife in bed, I ask her "Sex?" and she replies "No."

I was thinking 3 second film.

Alternately I would upload us having sex and make it a 2 second film.

Do either of these ideas intrigue you?

Edit: Oh no I have a downscore.

5secondfilms17 karma

No one should ever, ever downvote someone willing to upload sex to the internet. No matter how small. (BF)


Greetings from Australia! Love what you guys do.

How did the idea for making these little films start?

Also, how do you keep coming up with fresh ideas 5 times a week?

5secondfilms19 karma

Welcomes from America! Always wanted to go to Australia. That, and Japan. And Russia. There. The three places.

I invented the concept with a friend back in 2005 when we just finished a short film together. We were bored and heard about Chrysler doing a "make a 5-second commercial" contest. Head into the way way back portion of our site's catalogue, and you will see the fruits of those early labors. Anyway, people really rallied around the concept, both in those college dorms and at the 24-hour filmmaking contests we submitted them to, and I knew a site had to be formed at some point.

Some would say our ideas aren't always fresh - but we do keep trying, and that's with the help of everyone in the group, acting as each other's audience and note-givers! You get used to thinking of jokes in terms of 5 seconds after a while, and honestly the format became creatively freeing very early on in the process. (BF)

Numb3r3d_Nam319 karma

I have the most important question here. Olivia, Kelsey, the world wants to know. Are they real?

5secondfilms128 karma

Damnit! You've stumbled upon our secret! No they are not real! They are too hilarious and beautiful to be real. It's all Jon Worley in heavy make up and CGI. (MR)

Xamxar19 karma

Hey kid, wanna do some drugs?

5secondfilms23 karma

One of the adorable things about shooting these 5sfs for so long is that you get to watch our three favorite kid actors grow up. My guess is that Robert would be able to put on a pair of sunglasses now without instinctively closing his eyes, really go for the "deal with it" look. But it is so. Much. Better. That he doesn't in this 5sf. (BF)

Alexrock8818 karma


5secondfilms25 karma

Mine, which I swear I had nothing to do with, ck for me (MR)

5secondfilms4 karma

Mine, which I swear I had nothing to do with, Hot Day. (BF)

5secondfilms3 karma

I'm gonna have to go with Lost Sheep. (AO)

ackel18 karma

Greetings from Sweden! Your films are the highlight of every weekday, keep up the good work! I wanted to ask you if it sometimes becomes difficult to come up with ideas for 5secondfilms? Also, what is the history of Cinco de Mayo?

troopah49 karma

Håll. Käften. För. Fan.

5secondfilms18 karma

I love it when a line I wrote gets translated into a foreign language. It makes feel warm and fuzzy knowing such spiteful words can cross the globe so well. Unfortunately in The History of Cinco de Mayo it's not a perfect translation because it can't be. Ah well.

And to answer your question, ackel, it is definitely difficult to come up with ideas sometimes. When we're thinking too hard, we start to get scared that whatever ideas we land on won't be funny, because we're just not in the right groove that day. But I love that we've demanded this level of work out of ourselves - I wouldn't have learned nearly as much about myself if I got to just do this whenever I felt like it. (BF)

joshnix17 karma

Are we ever going to see Renegade Pervert again?

5secondfilms42 karma

Tens of thousands of women ask themselves this same question on a regular basis. (DKH)

hudm016 karma

How much exposed man-tit can we expect from DBPM3?

5secondfilms28 karma

Oh man you have nooooooooo idea (MR)

mathmavin9916 karma

One of the scenes in your planking video looks a lot like a classroom I've been in, possibly Taper Hall. Did some of you guys go to USC?

Edit: planking!

5secondfilms18 karma

Lots of our group went to USC! 5-Second Films was created by Brian in the dorms there, and it was the Ed Wood Film Festival that enabled our first live screenings ever. I'm pretty sure we created the first website right after seeing a good response from one of them. (DKH)

habitual_liars15 karma

what will you guys do if you don't reach your goal?

5secondfilms57 karma

kill ourselves or maybe immediately stop doing 5sf forever because we would be shamed! (MR)

JelloThere13 karma

How long does it usually take you to create a 5 second film?

5secondfilms25 karma

1 hour on average, from idea to completion, you average-intelligence probably-nice guy. (BF)

MrKerbs13 karma

You guys are my favorite YouTube channel, I can lose hours watching your videos.

My question is: What are your favorite movies?

5secondfilms24 karma

While it's hard to arrange favorites for me these days, as I've come to see that different movies are my favorites for me at different stages of my life or even different times of the day, I do have this pet theory.

Three of my very favorite movies, for sentimental reasons (the only kind), are "Stand By Me," "The Truman Show," and "Back to the Future," and they all activate what feel like different parts of my brain. "The Truman Show" functions as a pitch-black comedy, an almost unbearably-creepy satire on reality TV, the American dream and Man's place in the world with/against God. People often write it off as a self-important, faux-Twilight Zone episode starring a rubber-faced dude, and I think they really miss what is special and intellectually engaging about the movie.

"Back to the Future" is pure inertia. From the first frame of the movie, you are being slickly inundated with setups, story beats and the beginnings of character arcs. I've said it before, but the first act of BTTF should be taught in screenwriting class: There isn't an ounce of fat as you get introduced to this charming world and these characters. It's a fucking machine, a Dodge Tomahawk going at 350 mph (or a DeLorean at 88, if you will), and it's relentlessly funny too - one of the best crowd reactions I've ever heard in a theater.

Finally, there's "Stand By Me," which is kinda funny at times, in a warm, engagingly nostalgic sort of way. And it doesn't pretend to operate on an intellectual level either, even as it seems to be about the present trying to have dialogue with the past - a potentially heady conversation. No, all "Stand By Me" wants to do is tell a story about young friends who are about to grow up and leave each other. It doesn't go for the jugular with emotions, it doesn't try to make you like it (maybe outside of the 60's classics soundtrack) - it just is what it is. And by stripping anyway anything that could hurt its simplicity, it attains what most movies only wish they could have - a quiet power that sticks with you for all your years, that acts as a touchstone for you to remind yourself about the things that matter. Also, it has for my money one of the best, darkly funny scene transitions in cinema history(after the scene starting at 3:27).

So, to summarize, "Stand By Me" is the heart, "The Truman Show" is the brain, and "Back to the Future" is the balls. The true yin-yang-and-other-yin of American film. (BF)

galletto312 karma

Hey guys, big fan here. Wanted to tell you how great all your stuff is, without it getting lost in the sea of Youtube puns.

Do you guys think you will do more movies in the future?

P.S your videos helped me get laid, so thanks.

5secondfilms11 karma

We're continuing to shoot 5sfs! Our feature film will not change those plans. I do, however, want to know how our videos got you laid. (DKH)

gogopogo11 karma

Hi guys, love the films and I'm excited for your movie!

So... What would a 1k donation get? (assuming Satan doesn't interest people)

5secondfilms29 karma

Hey thanks so much!! $1k donation gives you the prestigious "CO-BRODUCER" credit! Patton Oswalt is now a CO-BRODUCER, so you're name will be featured right next to his! That's pretty fucking cool! Ontop of HD/SD download of the film with special features and BTS, you will get a signed DVD Broterion collection, a signed copy of the script from all the 5sf writers, posters for DBPM1,2,3, erotic playing cards, shirt of your choice, a prop from the film, and pick a 5sf character/memner of your choice and they will send you a personal message whether it be a video or outgoing voicemail message! Plus you get an invitation to the screening! Pretty fucking awesome right! (MR)

thisguy4911 karma

How did you get Weird Al?

5secondfilms23 karma

A wonderful game of telephone connections. Patton Oswalt > Matt Oswalt's "Puddin Comics" > Weird Al <3 (MR)


My name is Kyle and I have successfully used "The Kyle Touch" to get a date. So thanks you amazing bastards.

5secondfilms12 karma

Incredible. I will pass this along to Sir Kyle Touch himself. Got a data, huh? How did your date feel after the fourth hand started coming out? (DKH)

nadil1010 karma

Is the movie going to be a series of 5-second scenes that all end up interlocking with each other to create this giant spiderweb of a plot that no one could possibly keep track of? That's what I would do, and you'd be fools not to!

5secondfilms18 karma

You know it's funny over the past 5 years looking at all the 5sf they seem to have almost an interconnecting plot. You could in theory intercut all the 5sf in a specific order to make some surreal plotline. 5sf has been like a diary for us, you can watch us age, get fat, get skinny, lose hair, grow hair, watch us film depressing jokes and watch us film joyous jokes. 5sf has been a way to express ourselves and emotions, basically because we are forced to. We have to film 5 films a week no matter what, so out of desperation we make some personal films that may reflect what we are going through that week. It wouldn't be hard to find the season when I went through a terrible break-up and all the films I did were super depressing and violent to myself, once again a way to get my emotions out. So in theory the ultimate 5sf film strung together would be the story of our mines and psyche from week to week. (MR)

Tuts_holy_underwear10 karma

Do you feel like Dude Bro Party Massacre 3 will match the raw grit of Dude Bro Party Massacre 1, or the critical darling that was Dude Bro Party Massacre 2? Or will this be another instance of the third film in a trilogy not matching up to peoples' expectations?

5secondfilms7 karma

GOOD QUESTION! Well we are working hand in hand with the producers of DBPM2 and even have a few of the stars of the original making appearances. Oh course they are all dead, so we dont have to feed them. This is going to closer to Friday The 13 part 5 and Nightmare on Elm St pt4. (TJ)

GloriousPeanut9 karma

Not that you ever worry about running out of material, but do you ever worry about forgetting and then re-using a specific gag or joke? Has this ever happened?

BTW you're all cool as tits man, keep it up! Donating to the Kickstarter now!

5secondfilms11 karma

Hey thanks so much Glorious Peanut! We've come close in censoring ourselves saying "oh, hey that's kinda like this 5sf or that 5sf." We all have fantastic memories for what we've filmed. Although, I must I pitched a joke which was exactly a 5sf we shot years ago! I can't remember it but when it comes back to me I will reply with the link. (MR)

iTeiresias9 karma

Is Rousselet answering?

5secondfilms46 karma

I'm on the early shift in the east coast so until the other cats wake up you have to deal with me! MUHAHAHAHA! (MR)

5secondfilms17 karma

I'm also here because I never sleep. But fear not, you will be rid of me and get the rest of the crew in the near future! (DKH)

Ocelot457 karma

For some reason, I've always seen Brian as the ringleader/founder of 5secondfilms. Is this true?

5secondfilms22 karma

Brian did indeed co-create/co-found 5sf. But really, he's more like your bro than your boss! (DKH)

FatalError23197 karma

Do you guys ever decide "fuck it" and just make a 5sf that you know is stupid and no one will like just to get through it and keep up the 'every weekday' promise?

Do Olivia or Kelsey ever get annoyed with the pervy comments? The comment section for videos with Olivia from the top down or Kelsey in anything tighter than a burka are NSFW.

What is the song at the end of Week in Review #226(Oscar Week)?

If you play 5sf videos backwards is it true that there is evidence that Brian is dead?

Edit: Combined my comments so know one nos I have a lot of questions and am creepy.

5secondfilms9 karma

  • Sometimes, more than you'd imagine, but I dare you to figure out which ones.
  • They both take it excellent stride. They know they're both drop dead gorgeous and handle it with class and aplomb. That said, they don't go looking for it in the comments. Also, in general to everyone, if you ever meet them in person, behave yourself or arms will be broken. Real life conversations should always be infinitely more gentlemanly than internet talk.
  • Rouss? Know which song that is?
  • Brian has been dead since 1966. The rest of us are actually comedy Golems made from crab meat and old twine, kept mobile by a small slip of paper in each of our mouths with the True Name of Groucho Marx, written on it. (BG)

la-blakers7 karma

Do you know how to change a tire?

5secondfilms14 karma

You know, it's funny the first time I EVER changed a tire was for that film (MR)

re_editor6 karma

My favorite 5SF is the "FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKK" one. I haven't seen it in a couple of years. Can you send me a link?

darrerdian6 karma

How do you guys film, schedule wise?

5secondfilms7 karma

We shoot 5 films every sunday... sometimes we are bad and only film 3 or 4 and have to have a panic shoot the night before, like Urine Trouble. Still never missed a day :D (MR)

enalios5 karma

Any tips for creating a good 5 second film?

5secondfilms14 karma

double punchlines or double reversals we have found have been helpful in a successful 5sf. For example Magic Show Volunteer has a double punchline, he removes her baby but then brings it back! (MR)

SeargantSarcastic5 karma

I know you guys probably get asked this question alot but it would just make my day if you could answer and validate my existance: Whats your favorite 5-sec film?

lachiester4 karma

Does a lot of planning go into your videos, or is it more on the spur of the moment?

5secondfilms8 karma

Sometimes we have a joke and a lot of planning goes into it or sometimes it just pops out of nowhere and we do it. When we have celebrity guest we put a lot of thought and planning so they have the smoothest, quickest, most enjoyable filming experience. They all say, "wow that was easy" (MR)

WeaselBot4 karma

Why don't you have an app already?!?

5secondfilms9 karma

Ask Dan, he is our web guy. (MR)

Internationalhomeboy4 karma

I don't have a question, I just want to say keep up the good work. :)

5secondfilms4 karma

Thanks! (DKH)

BrickHardcheese3 karma

Could you give us a teaser of the plot to "Dude Bro Party Massacre 3?"

Where and when will the film be released?

5secondfilms7 karma

Dudebro.... Party.... Massacre... it's all in the title. The film will be released a year from today. (MR)

Backnblack_663 karma

1,300 films to your credit and yet you need donations to make another movie.

5secondfilms8 karma

haha... are we Zach Braff now? (MR)

Rob_Saget3 karma

Would you be interested in being a guest on my podcast to nerd out about entertainment? Andrew WK was on recently and had a blast. We'd love for you to come on!

5secondfilms5 karma

Feel free to contact us with the deetz! (DKH)

boardmonkey3 karma

How are you able to get the more famous celerities to come perform?

Are you finding it easier to get more recognizable names now that your company has gotten a more famous?

Have any of your members tried out for, or been pursued by, any TV shows?

5secondfilms13 karma

Technology is fucking wonderful, if it weren't for CRACKED.COM and twitter we would have never have gotten the great Patton Oswalt! Cracked posted a bunch of our videos and Patton tweeted it out! We just sent him a tweet asking if he'd like to be one and he said yes! No, agents, no managers, no assistants just straight conversation through a tweet. Once we got street cred working with Peter Stormare and Patton Oswalt other celebrities thought it was safe to come over to the 5sf house and film. Weird Al Yankovich, David Koechner, Doug Benson etc. The only ones in the group that take acting seriously are Kelsey and Olivia, Olivia was recently in the new ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT!! and GOD DAMNIT I JUST GOT ICED BY MY GIRLFRIEND >:(

YesThisIsSam3 karma

Which one of you would you say is the funniest? I mean not as a comedy actor, just as a generally funny person.

5secondfilms5 karma

Definitely Brian... but Paul is a delightful wildcard. (MR)

awjeahboi2 karma

Are you gonna film the movie with the same 80s filter you used in the 5sf/trailer? It really adds to the style but I dunno whether it would get annoying throughout an entire film. Worked fine with Black Dynamite, I guess.

5secondfilms5 karma

The mythology of film is that it was shot on 16mm, then the film was transfered to BETA which was screened on TV which was recorded on VHS. We plan on actually do some edits VHS to VHS, the film will have a very distinct and unique view that a simple FCP filter won't be able to reproduce. We aren't worried about it being annoying at all, we all have good taste over here. Oh and did I mention it will be shot 4:3? (MR)

maveric1k2 karma

Have you ever thought about someone swooping in making 4 second films?

5secondfilms4 karma

Rousselet had that exact fear in the early days, and as a result we purchased and held onto a number of domain names similar to ours, just in case. (DKH)

JehovahsHitlist2 karma

Considering the John Watson video, how many other famous people have expressed interest in coming on to the show, whether they've been able to or not? Do you get much general interest in your work from famous people/politicians/directors/etc.?

5secondfilms3 karma

No celebrity has ever actually approached us to film, we always have to stalk them :( (MR)

Justin--Bieber2 karma

How excited are you about really being able to deliver good special effects in your movie? Or will you make them intentionally a little bad to fit with the theme?

5secondfilms3 karma

We plan on exercising both methods of cheesy vs truly graphic! We will use them sparingly, just when you think you are safe in a cheesy death scene the most violent disgusting murder will happen to rattle you. We are going to have a fantastic blend of camp, comedy, horror and tension! Once again this all depends if we can make our kickstarter goal, if we don't have a decent budget we can't make things beautifully gory. (MR)

nyan_swanson1 karma

I always thought Youtube didn't let you monetize videos under a minute long, so do you guys have a special deal or something?

5secondfilms2 karma

That was how it used to be but then a miracle happen they allowed shorter videos to get monetization, that's was right after we started doing 5secondfilms Week in Reviews, we were trying to get monetization, fortunately it all worked out... now if we could only actually be making money (MR)

magnamusrex1 karma

A feature film is obviously longer than your 5 second films. Do you think you will be able to maintain your humor and creativity over a much longer time?

5secondfilms2 karma