IamA security officer at a Lvl. III Trauma hospital in the U.S. AMA!
Basically, I'm a twenty-something female security officer. Currently, this is my seventh year working in the security industry. In the beginning I worked pretty much any job in the business; access control, bouncing, bodyguard work, but I've settled in working in hospitals. I've trained to be in law enforcement since I was fifteen through the police explorers program, though I dropped out long before skills because I wanted to be a paramedic instead. Currently trying to get the means to go back to school.
I've worked in a few hospitals so far, though I'm currently working as a sergeant/supervisor at a lvl. III trauma hospital, one of the largest around here.
It can be pretty boring, but sometimes, things get really crazy. Though I do work mostly with the Emergency Department, especially on behavioral health holds/health officer holds... psych patients.
Thing is, security gets a bad rep. There are security guards, then there are security officers. Basically, there's the jokes, then there's the professionals. I've dealt with life or death situations. I've seen people at their best and their worst (usually their worst, sadly). I'm comforted mothers who've lost a child. I've been a listening ear for a suicidal patient with no one to talk to. I've helped deliver babies in cars outside the ER. I've been assaulted, spit on, jumped, called every name in the book, been ridiculed and demeaned all for a job that pays shit, but I still come into work every day ready to do my job.
Ask me anything about the job, within reason of course. Things like names, HIPPA information, etc, I will not answer.
My proof was sent confidentially as to protect my identity and the identity of any patients, staff, and their stories. Mod approved and everything! So! Go ahead, ask me anything.
Phantomx099086 karma
This is the question I knew was gonna happen. It's the hardest to answer. Some pretty crazy stuff just plain happens all the time. It's hard to pick, from patients ripping their own beards out, to patients biting staff, using IV poles to try to pry doors open. Patients coming in in hockey bags... Shit happens.
I have to say the downright creepiest happened in the labor and delivery unit. We had a fetal demise, baby didn't make it. it's a hard thing for every mother to go through, but for some, it literally breaks their soul. Most keep the body in their rooms with them for hours, sleeping in the bed with them overnight, etc. Which is something we understand and are used to.
The worst was a mother that had the baby in there for nearly three days. It had started to decay. When she finally left we brought it to the morgue. It had been down there for a few hours, when she came back to the unit and asked to see the baby. Thing is, it was falling apart at this point. Its head was falling off and one of its arms was pretty much off.
But we tried our best. We retrieved it and brought it to the staff, who desperately tried to clean it up, bundling it up in multiple blankets trying to make sure it stayed together for the mom. It was pretty fucking awkward. Luckily after that she didn't ask to see it again.
lizanneboulay909018 karma
I am a nurse in a unit that works with fetal Demise and we have what's called a cuddle cot that is used to prevent decaying of a baby body... thus allowing the mom and dad to have baby in their room for extended periods. It's a shame this wasn't available for this mom.
Phantomx09902 karma
Just take it as a part of life. Makes you really appreciate the good things in the world.
chainggangtrainbang18 karma
What's the weirdest thing a patient that had to be subdued has said?
Phantomx099035 karma
Hmm. Well, I had a patient yell, "Fuck pink" for ten minutes before attacking the core glass. Another one started hitting on all the nurses while we were restraining them, giving us all nicknames. My favorite nickname they gave a nurse was "the backup bitch" because the 'normal bitch' was on break. I was the 'only person keeping them calm', to which they continued to compliment me by trying to bite me while restraining them.
PraiseTheHolyTrinity2 karma
Once the "Normal Bitch" was named, you had to see it coming. Haha.
Phantomx09908 karma
I was the 'one keeping her calm', there was 'bitch', 'backup bitch', 'the pretty one', my other guard was 'gay hands'... honestly, it was pretty funnny. Only time we've all been laughing while putting a patient in restraints.
Phantomx099020 karma
Honestly three things, level of training, pay, and attitude.
I'm trained in defensive tactics, BCS, pressure point control tactics, CPR, AED, etc.. I even have FEMA training. We are the ones that take our jobs as real jobs. Not lazy, not over controlling. Our attitude is what seals the deal. Hardworking individuals that know their work and where they stand.
cmyer8 karma
I've worked in multiple hospitals with security guards and they were an absolute joke. Pretty much just wandered around (if you even saw them) last ones to respond to any security codes and once they were there stared with a deer in the headlights look as we did everything. Extremely rude to any patients they had to sit 1:1 with. Sleeping in their carts in the parking lot. I don't know how more of them didn't lose their jobs on a daily basis. I now work with officers and it is a night and day difference. These guys are empathetic to patients, assist on codes, do their job. I can tell you that the floor staff actually respects officers vs tolerate gaurds. That's the difference for us
MenInGreenFaces2 karma
That's usually the result of either two things: 1. You didn't work in a hospital that was busy enough for the security department that would certainly result in situations that would cause the department and its staff to realize the dangers of complaceny and inability to deal with confrontation and stressful events. 2. It was a private security company. They hire absolute crap and I don't have a single decent thing to say about them.
MenInGreenFaces2 karma
They're just....terrible. We had positions cut at one point and used a well known private company to supplement our staff, just one or two guys at a time. They weren't allowed to do patient watches or be involved with restraints. Every single one was shit. First kid bought a six pack in uniform...in our patrol vehicle. One guy was some guy who looked like he belonged in prison and when he realized we go "hands on" a lot, he just had this childish and dangerous "let's fuck people up" attitude. A couple kids noped the fuck out when they witnessed their first "o shit" moment.
Phantomx09901 karma
That's why I hate contract security. They get desperate and hire crap.
Which sucks, because that's where security gets a bad rep. Most of my coworkers are current or former military, police officers, or even medics.
kriegsnebel2 karma
I am a security guard and if you make a complaint to the hospital they will get replaced immediately. SG's are contracted to clients like your hospital by Security companies that train and hire SG's. The companies take their contracts with clients very seriously and do not tolerate any fuck ups.
Senray-30 karma
Not op, but nothing. A private security person has no legal power whatsoever
Phantomx09901 karma
Actually, we do. As representatives of the hospital we have the right to trespass individuals from the property as well as file a citizens arrest.
Senray0 karma
So does any other employee of anywhere, i.e. a 7/11 clerk, a restaurant/grocrery store manager, etc
Phantomx09901 karma
True. Still, it's legal authority and security officers still have it. So you're wrong in saying there are no legal powers held by security officers. Most of security's job is on site safety and protection of a property's assets and staff. We are not out to hunt down criminals and make arrests. It's not part of our job description.
SpookyPencil12 karma
What are some of your favorite happy moments from working at the hospital? And, how many babies have to helped deliver? :)
Phantomx099032 karma
I gotta say, working with the staff is the most rewarding experience. ER staff are amazing. Seeing a little kid sick and just broken and leaving feeling better is always awesome. My favorite part of the job is giving stickers to the kids that visit the ER. Makes my day every time.
Let's see, three babies have been delivered outside the hospital, one right in front of the security desk, though I wasn't there for that one.
For the first one, it was near the end of our shift, like ten minutes left, and another guard and I are standing at the security desk near the ER entrance. A guy comes running in, screams, "It's coming!" and runs out. The other guard and I look at each other for a split second, confused, before be both said, "Baby!" at the same time. We gloved up, he grabbed a wheelchair, I called L&D, and we ran out there to find dad already holding newborn, with a look of 'now what do I do with it?" on his face. L&D showed up, baby and mom were taken care of. It was dark out and I already had by duty belt off so we were using my phone for a flashlight. Got the mom and baby inside, it was then that I noticed the little girl in the back seat, like three, screaming "MAAAMAA" at the top of her lungs... poor kid is probably traumatized for life.
The other one worth mentioning was a baby born in a bush. A literal bush. A guard was sitting at the desk, I walk up after a patrol and he looks over and goes, 'What's that lady doing?'. I look over, had no idea. He looks again, and his face went white. Lady had just squatted over a bush and had a baby right fucking then and there. Of course there was the usual panic, calling L&D, getting the baby safe, etc. But that bush has seen some shit now.
Phantomx099024 karma
All the time. I fight depression myself, and seeing patients having a hard time with that breaks my heart. There are a few times I get choked up, usually I end up venting to my best friend about things. But I keep most of the emotional stuff to myself. Sadly, you get too used to things stuff that choked you up before now doesn't bother me really.
KimonSa10 karma
Hello from the Netherlands,
I know of some people that have a sort of 'ritual' when they want to forget the stuff that they've seen that day at work (for example: play with their kids, go out for a walk / gym / football[soccer] etc). Is there anything that you do after a bad / horrific day at work to keep your mind sane?
thanx in advance for your reply
Phantomx099020 karma
I've had to go to my best friends' house immediately after work because it had been a bad bad day.
So my friends are my first place to go. The other is gaming. I play a lot of video games to get out of the real world for a bit. I used to play Dungeons and Dragons weekly just as something to look forward to.
noblessefan2667 karma
If you weren't in the security business, where would you be in right now?
Phantomx099011 karma
Where I WANT to be or where I PROBABLY would have been?
If I wasn't in security I would've been a police officer, but I've settled on becoming a EMT or paramedic down the road.
Otherwise, i'd love love love to go back to school and get a psych degree.
MyShamefulShit4 karma
Having done a bunch of Public Safety work, let me share some advice. I wouldn't totally skip being a paramedic as others have suggested, but I wouldn't plan on riding the ambulance for 30 years either.
A great option is working towards your EMT-P while you ride as a EMT-B. Spend a few years as a Paramedic, then start working towards your RN. Some of the most well-rounded nurses I've ever worked with took this route. You'll avoid the eventual (and inevitable) EMS burnout, but still get some of the most unique, confidence-building medical experience available.
EienShinwa3 karma
I know you can succeed, you've seen the worst bottom, only way left is to the top. Thank you for the work you do!
Alpha19983 karma
Go back to school and stay away from ems and paramedic. Paramedic here our lives are fucked up. We all wish we never started
nukedorbit3 karma
I still wonder whose brilliant idea it was to put you guys on shift 24 hours straight, with access to a bunch of drugs, and in control of a 5-7 ton vehicle that changes the rules of the road as it moves. Oh, and I'm supposed to put my life into your hands, too.
Like, what the fuck?
Alpha19983 karma
A lot of places don't allow 24s. Your right but what's the difference I'm going to go work somewhere else anyway. It takes its toll but I love them. Kill an entire work week in 2 days.
Theory52 karma
Yea, I've heard from people who work as paramedics or EMT's in area's that do not allow it; 12 hr shifts are still pulled. I mean, you guys need to be rotated out more often to stave off burnout I'd think!
Phantomx09901 karma
I've often times worked up to 20 hour shifts, in security.
Legally we're only allowed to work sixteen hour shifts with eight hours before our next shift. it depends on the person. If you're dedicated to your job and are just that type of person who can't leave without making sure the job is done... you end up with work like that.
markpaulk6 karma
Since I recruit for both security guards (retail, construction sites, events etc) and security officers (corporate offices, hospitals, high profile events etc), what has been your biggest challenge to date working in the security industry? What training, how long does it take and how much does it cost? Are the costs subsidised in anyway eg: the state or by prospective employers?
The reasons I ask is that I recruit across UK & Ireland and am interested in the structure of the industry in your neck of the woods. Thanks :)
Phantomx09908 karma
The biggest challenge has to be the company. If the company is disconnected from their employees, bad shit happens. You really do get what you pay for with security. Pay your guards in shit, you get shit guards. Fail to properly train your guards you still get shit guards, but this time insurance issues because they can say you're guards aren't properly trained to deal with a particular incident. Insurance is a big thing is security.
Training for new recruits depends on where they're working. A guard working at a club is going to have different demands than a guard at a corporate tower, or say a hospital. Training can be expensive. Depending on the situation. Usually large security companies pay for licensing, etc, so the employee doesn't have to worry about that. But training for further means, like say, CPR/AED/FA is going to cost you because you not only have to train the guards, but the trainers need certification, as well as training equipment like CPR dummies. In some states, though, the guard needs to get their certification through a third party, just like any other certification to get a job. Large contract companies do it in bulk and get rid of the hassle. Large companies like G4S run like a true corporation like this. They have the training and resources to train multiple guards, but the thing is the pay is often three cents short of crap and the company is so disconnected from their guards they hire terrible people for the position because of how bad the turnover is.
Things like scheduling can be a problem too. You never want to overwork your staff. I've had to work 80 hour weeks for months straight because we needed the staffing and because of my loyalty to my company.
The hardest part of working in security, shit pay, shit hours for dealing with shit people. I stand by that 11-12 dollars an hour is not worth risking my life by wearing a uniform.
markpaulk3 karma
Wow! Thank you for taking the time to fill me in. Really useful information to know. Definitely agree about the whole pay thing in security. They want the hulk but will pay low wages, often on 0 hour contracts here in the UK but still expect loyalty?!
Interesting about the licensing. Some training providers are government subsidized here so they pay for either training or the badge or both depending on their revenue stream and amount of subsidization. So over here you can either get Door Supervision, CCTV, Transit (Cash/Valuables), Vehicle Immobilising, Close Protection and Key Holding. Most people just get Door Supervision over here. The others are niche and rarely needed/requested/wanted but still available.
G4S? Lol. They're a joke. We won a major contract from right under their noses recently, worth £2million a month, all thanks to 1 brilliant bid writer in our firm. They were an absolute joke during the Olympics in London back in 2012. Seems they're just the same across the pond!
Have you thought about what's next for yourself, like moving into back office, vetting etc?
Phantomx09903 karma
Maybe in the future. I was an assistant manager at my previous hospital before I moved to my current location. G4S took over the hospital I worked at because they offered a smaller price for their services. Too bad for them a smaller price means the guards are paid less so none of the current security staff stayed (many took it as an insult), which is something the hospital did not like at all. They had some guards that had been there for five plus years. Good luck to them managing a hospital when my company took everything policy-wise with them! They're apparently in a bit of a shit-show right now.
If you guys are hiring... if I migrate to the UK if Trump gets elected... lol.
They are sleazy sons of bitches if I have ever seen such a thing. Eventually I do plan on moving up within my company. I'm already a long-time employee, having been there for the better half of a decade, and have a lot of respect from my management team and leads. I do have a desire to teach, so I may have a position in training new officers in the future should I choose to.
ederzs975 karma
Has there ever been any happy memories? Memories which can make you smile when you're older?
Phantomx099018 karma
My coworkers, both nursing staff and fellow guards are like family. I've worked with some amazing people and even when some have moved on, we've managed to keep in touch.
One thing I will always remember was the day a visitors' mother died. See, for Code Blues security responds to make sure that the only people in the room are the people who need to be there. We had a Code Blue in the ICU. Patient was losing blood, bleeding into their belly. It was a long code. After about fifteen minutes of me standing there, the doctor screaming at the lab techs for more blood, the son of the patient showed up. It was an older gentleman, maybe in his sixties. But still young, if that makes any sense. He tried to push past me and into the room. I physically had to stop him. I had to explain to him that they needed to do their work to try to save her life, and that I'd have someone from the nursing staff talk to him. I directed him away and to a sitting area around the corner so he wouldn't have to see.
I could hear him bawling around the corner. I couldn't stand it. I grabbed a box of tissues from the nurses station and a cup of water and walked it to him quickly, abandoning my post because i couldn't just stand there. Because he didn't know it yet, but... the doctor was giving up. Even writing this I'm tearing up.
I handed him the water and tissues and went back to my post. His two sisters arrived and I directed them to him. They went, and I didn't have to physically stop them. All of them bawling.
The doctor gave them the bad news, and I heard this just loud wail from where they were sitting. The doctor had told them that there was nothing they could do here, either she goes to surgery, which she will most likely not survive, or they will make it as comfortable as possible from here. The family agreed to let her go.
About forty-five minutes later, she died.
About an hour after that, I was sitting alone at the desk, when I saw him walk by. I stood up and nodded to him, just acknowledging him. I wasn't going to say anything. But he walked up and he hugged me. He thanked me and said he understood what I was doing. I told him I was sorry, he said that no, I was doing my job and he said that he was so happy that the staff seemed to care so much, even down to the security guards. I told him that I'd want someone to do the same for me.
He shook my hand, tears in his eyes.
About fifteen minutes after he left, I got the call to take his mom to the morgue. I could have sent another guard, but I wanted to bring her down myself. Seemed right somehow.
It's a sad story, but it was my first real event like this. It's happened in a similar fashion since... but that old man will stay in my mind forever. I just wish it would've ended on a happier note.
jacobrettebdel4 karma
What do you carry on a normal day as a security officer in a hospital? Are you armed?
Phantomx09902 karma
Two pairs of handcuffs, mace, baton, flashlight, Nextel phone, radio, pager...
Plus other things, pens note pads, plastic gloves up the ass.
Jaytime4 karma
Have you ever really had to express authority onto someone. Anything from forcing them to leave, to getting into physical conflict with them? And if you dont mind a second question, assuming your not made of stone and have seen some horrible things, what was the closest you have ever been to just quitting the job and leaving?
Phantomx09909 karma
Bah, forcing people to leave is pretty common. In the hospital it's usually seekers and homeless people. Seekers are people that come into the hospital trying to get prescribed pain medications. I had a seeker not too long ago that I had to kick out, when I started to walk her out she fell to the ground faking some sort of respiratory event, but she was medically cleared and speaking full sentences. Totally faking it. Walked her out, another guard on her other side, we're holding her by the arms/shoulders escorting her out, she starts to fight, hits me in the side of the head. My first reaction when something hits me in the head is to let go. Let her go, my other guard saw her elbow me in the head and he fucking deadlifted the bitch and carried her ass off property. She got trespassed by the cops who finally showed up and caught her as she was crossing the street. Trespassed her real quick.
I've gotten close to it. Not all staff understand security concerns. I had a patient, an irate drunk on a peace officer hold, that was pissed not being allowed to leave. The fucker was taking pictures of me watching him on the hold and sending them. He even recorded myself and the other staff in the core and tried to upload it to youtube. I told the staff what he was doing, but they didn't even care. It was so obvious he was taking photographs. What if other patients' information was on a computer or something and he just took a pic of it? Or what about my personal rights? Not cool. I was so pissed I almost walked off. I got my captain in there and my cap put the fear of god into this asshole, so much so that the guy reset his whole phone. It was pretty funny.
Phantomx09901 karma
Like 'poof'? No. Patients go AMA, it happens. Usually staff knows about it.
Patients go AMA
Hmmmmm, "security officer"... riiiiiiiigghhht.
Phantomx09901 karma
A patient has the right to leave against medical advice. It's one of their rights under law. If they aren't on a hold they have the right to leave.
BlondieMenace3 karma
What happens during a psych hold? What should a patient expect, and are there safeguards in place if one is put on one in justly somehow?
Phantomx09909 karma
A hold can be placed by a nurse, doctor, EMS, or even police. Basically, a hold is decided by a few factors, the main being that the person is declared unsafe for their own good or the good of others. Suicidal, homicidal, mentally impaired, etc. When placed on a hold the patient will be placed under constant watch, either by a medical professional or by hospital security. This can be done in the room, or via camera. They may even be placed in locked units to prevent escape. When placed on a hold patients lose many of their patient rights, things like what medications they take, or, well, the right to leave against medical advice. They will be changed into medical scrubs and their personal belongings taken and placed in a locked area, usually a locker or cabinet. If a patient believes they were placed under a hold and do not need to be, they can request to speak with their doctor and explain the situation, or they can request a lawyer to speak to medical professionals for them. But usually, this doesn't happen. Holds aren't placed lightly. If they try to get out via lawyer or law, their representative has to have undeniable proof that the patient is not only medically sound, but also is able to care for themselves effectively and are of sound mind. Usually, not the case. Especially since doctors/nurses have pretty extensive charting and there often is video recording of patients' behaviour if they were in a behavioral unit with cameras in the room, like mine has.
BlondieMenace3 karma
What about visitors, can people come see you? Are you allowed to call people other than a lawyer? Thanks for answering!
Phantomx09905 karma
Depends on the situation. They can have visitors or make calls as long as it does not escalate their condition. So if a visitor riles up the patient, we ask them to leave; or, rather, tell them. Same with phone calls.
Phantomx09903 karma
We really can't prove if someone's related to a patient. That's more on the medical staff side of things. Anyone can visit a patient, if the patient doesn't know them or doesn't want them to visit they can request them to be kicked out. If they really want no visitors, they can be placed under a non-disclosure and security will be notified.
rekt_brownie3 karma
I used to work in level 1 trauma/ER as a resident, it was really fun.
Did you guys have any regulars, and what's the craziest thing you've ever seen go down?
EDIT: I see the crazy thing has already been asked. I remember in the ER there were some very hardened vets that seemed pretty apathetic and had very limited sympathy for patients. What's the coldest thing you've ever seen a doctor do?
Phantomx09903 karma
We have a pretty decent handful of regulars.
... Hmm. We had a doc at my last place. He was cold as hell. He did not sugar coat a single thing. He'd sit in front of a 'suicidal' patient and go 'what's you're issue now?'
SpaceBasedMasonry3 karma
Thoughts on armed security personnel in a hospital? Recently, it's been a topic of discussion in the health care field.
MenInGreenFaces2 karma
I have substantial hospital security experience in a large city. I personally don't think the pro's out weigh the cons for the vast majority of medical facilities. Hospital security officers are dealing with individuals in very Close quarters. The risk of having a weapon taken during a combative confrontation, which are basically daily, is too great. I'm all for gel-mace, tazers, and handcuffs. I don't think lethal force confrontations are frequent enough in the healthcare industry to necissitate it at this time.
Phantomx09902 karma
Exactly what they're saying. There have been issues with armed guards in other places. I say an outstanding 'no' for ever having guns.
Air_Hellair3 karma
I listened to This American Life's "My Damned Mind" episode and became concerned for my son, who is schizophrenic. Have you received training in dealing with psychiatric patients? Are you armed? Have your colleagues been so trained? Are they armed?
That's a lot of questions. Sorry.
Phantomx09901 karma
Yes we have BCS training. And no, I do not carry a gun at the hospital.
With use of force, we avoid using it on patients. We don't even handcuff patients.
blubloblu3 karma
thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/579/my-damn-mind Have you listened to this episode of This American Life?
Fidesphilio2 karma
What differentiates a hospital from a trauma center? Are the doctors qualified in some special way?
Phantomx09901 karma
A trauma center deals in trauma. If an ER has a low trauma rating they either don't have the qualified staff or equipment to handle a trauma patient. They stabilize as best they can and transfer the pt to the nearest trauma rated hospital.
IWorkedForThatPlace2 karma
Domestic violence is a very closely held subject of mine, so here is my question:
Do security guards at hospitals, such as yourself, undergo any sort of training to recognize the signs of physical and emotional abuse of men and women and children who come into the trauma center? If so, is it extensive?
I have often wondered about this as my wife was formerly in a severely abusive marriage and wound up in the ER many times, but he avoided getting in trouble because he would take her himself and always to a different hospital so as not to be recognized or remembered. But it seems like had there been a police officer or security guard properly trained, someone would have caught on to this.
Phantomx09901 karma
Yes, but it's not that extensive. That's more on the nursing side of things rather than security.
AidanL172 karma
Has anyone ever tried to steal a baby? Or a body? Or a body part? Anything weird, really.
Phantomx09902 karma
That's something called a Code Pink, and I personally have never had a real Code Pink. Though we have monitoring set up for that to prevent it.
PacamaHM2 karma
I have a few questions. 1. What's HIPPA? Sounds like a hippy hippo. 2. How is the food there? (I'm a bit hungry) 3. Why did you decide this job, rather then a less violent one?
Phantomx09901 karma
- HIPPA is a patient confidentiality law. 2. It's meh, honestly. 3. Because I wanted to help people.
TheAlphaCarb0n2 karma
Have you ever had to stand guard for a high-profile criminal who was admitted? Have you ever had to deal with someone coming to "finish off" someone they put in the hospital?
Sorry if I misunderstood what type of security/section it is.
MenInGreenFaces2 karma
Prisoners in hospital are frequent. They are always in the custody of CO's, Police, or Trial Court officers. We would assist if needed but forensic patients, in my experience, rarely cause a problem that would require it. they're happy to be in a Hospital for the most part.
I've also had a few instances of individuals coming to a hospital with the intention of doing harm to someone. A nearby facility from my own recently had a doctor shot and killed in the facility by a patients son. The only instance that was at my hospital on the level of what you are thinking was not on my shift but the overnight. Long story short a gang member was shot, rival gang initiative came into the waiting room with a can of bear mace and a sawed off shotgun down his pants. He maced a co worker and was subdued attempting to get the weapon out. He then became a patient next to the man he shot....
AMidnightQuery3 karma
I know you're joking, but level 3 is actually the lowest level of trauma center (in most places).
The OP does make it seem like it's the highest level, though.
StaticTaco2 karma
Aren't you concerned about how dangerous your job is in comparison to many others?
Phantomx09902 karma
Yeah, but that's just something you come to expect after a while. It's not as dangerous as some. You always have backup, whether it's other security or if it's nursing staff.
LogicalTimber2 karma
I've heard multiple stories of people in a mental health crisis - often bipolar people on the manic side of their swing - going to an ER to try to get help, their agitation getting interpreted as threatening, staff escalating the situation, and it turning into a right shit show. Especially if they're put on a hold and all their belongings are taken away - that doesn't help people chill out. Do you and your coworkers get training about dealing with that kind of situation? Got any insight into how it's usually handled, and/or how it could be handled better?
Phantomx09902 karma
With personal belongings, if it's not something dangerous we may let them have that item. Sadly, a lot of the times collecting their personal belongings leads to an escalation in behavior. But if they say, want a their cell phone, we can let them have it if it doesn't make their condition worse.
Yes, we get training for that situation. As for how it gets dealt with, usually medication to relax the patient goes a long way, if it doesn't, the most extreme would be restraining the patient to the bed, but only in the most extreme cases.
Phantomx099010 karma
One of my guards once caught a doctor and a nurse in an OR room. Doc had his pants down and for some reason his socks off. I've caught nurses in the PACU getting it on. And mental pts like to jerk off while on holds.
EDIT: Omg I forgot about juice guy. A couple weeks ago we had a hold pt that was obsessed with jacking off. Even asking the in house psych if he could get it off with her in the room. He was there for a few hours, during which his nurse compained to me that he'd had like four boxes of apple juice and was asking for more. I looked on the camera and saw him reach for the juice straw in a... particular motion. That's when I discovered he'd been using it as, a... lubricant...
Akibimi1 karma
Do you play Black Desert Online, and would you consider playing it? Would you play NA?
Unuhi-1 karma
Why do they have such security and guns presence in US hospitals?
I have PTSD as a result of having been in hospitals in USA.
Phantomx09901 karma
It's a matter of safety concerns. Some hospitals, especially ones in major cities deal with... some pretty bad scenarios. I don't stand by giving a guard a gun, but most of the ones that do that I know of are off duty police.
RobertNoll24 karma
What's the craziest, creepiest thing you've seen at the hospital?
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