I work at kfc in the uk, AMA
Fanofban8 karma
I've seen someone order a variety bucket and proceed to sit and eat it all, at least take it and scoff it at home! Before I used to love zinger twister with cheese I love it, especially when the cheese has properly melted.
observationalhumour3 karma
Did you know that in Australian KFCs the gravy comes with mashed potatoes? It's amazing, make it happen here please. Also they serve coke not that synthetic pepsi shite.
Fanofban4 karma
I know, I wish they'd make it happen :/, it depends on what drink company you're with we're with britvic not Coca Cola.
Fanofban7 karma
I've never experienced it from the normal chicken, only the ring sting from the hot wings and zingers.
Magpiepies2 karma
There is an ongoing stereotype that sometimes employees will spit or put other bodily fluids into the food, especially for annoying customers. Is there any truth to this? I always avoid sending food back for this reason and I wasn't sure if I was just paranoid or being bad minded.
Fanofban6 karma
No I've never seen it happen at all, if your a nice person about it I'll give you everything perfect and extra.
mufctez2 karma
Do you or your colleagues make fun of, or even just comment on people who eat there very regularly? (In secret of course)
As in "this fat shit is back AGAIN??!!"
Fanofban2 karma
Yes, there's the same family that come at least 3 times a week maybe more, surely it's cheaper and healthier to make your own food? There is also a drunk man that comes in every Saturday at the same time of night he's always stumbling.
CaptainBane1 karma
What happened to the chips? They use to be amazing now their these scrappy little McDonald's knockoffs 😞
Fanofban1 karma
I know! When they were swapped everyone got excited until we tasted them, they are awful, the old thicker chips were the best with gravy!
Frickinfructose1 karma
Do they still keep the corn on the Cobb in those little vats of grease?
Manatime1 karma
Is it true that UK kfc gravy comes frozen in pots and has to be defrosted?
Or is it made from the sweet sweet chicken juices kinda fresh?
Fanofban1 karma
It's not frozen hahah! It has to be made up, one is with the chicken scraps and one with just powder and water.
Tarmac941 karma
Bro, what are the colonels 11 herbs and spices? Keep in mind you can't lie on the internet.
Fanofban1 karma
I don't know, it's already premixed within the flour. Which also gets mixed with an egg and milk mix.
calicomonkey1 karma
I was surprised to find that KFC cut their chicken breasts in half. Is that normal in the UK or just specific to KFC?
Fanofban2 karma
Probably when someone threatened me because I supposedly chucked the change into their hand, he told me I had better watch my back!
Blueeyedfoxie1 karma
How often do people complain about chicken brains or guts in their food? (like this http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3430867/Customer-outraged-served-vile-brain-like-tissue-KFC.html)
BeefSamples1 karma
Why is kfc so much better in europe? it's like real food, not 200lbs of fart flavoured salt. what the fuck is wrong with america.
CoreyNI1 karma
I was in KFC last week and tried to buy a Wicked Zinger Meal. I was told at the checkout that they didn't have chicken. What the fuck is a KFC doing if they don't have chicken?
Fanofban1 karma
The store manager hasn't ordered enough and they can't get any from other stores.
cmyer1 karma
If given a map of the US, could you identify Kentucky? I'm not trying to sound condescending. If I was asked anything about the UK I could pretty much only identify the country.
Pawys11111 karma
QSR Industry guy here, hows your drive thru times.? Have you got Digital menu,s yet.?
Fanofban2 karma
Our timers don't work but in busy periods were at 58 cars an hour so it's good! No digital menu yet!
dragonup561 karma
Do you enjoy your job and hope to continue it? Or is it a 9-5 before you start a career?
Fanofban2 karma
I'm not loving it, I won't be able to get a 9-5 job because of childcare and all my family works, I'll probably just do early morning cleaning somewhere, my partner earns enough for us to be comfy, thank god.
PoddyOne1 karma
Did you see that BBC documentary about KFC?: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05n7nt5
If so, do you think it was a fairly fair representation of how things operate there?
kevio171 karma
Any sign of the Blazing Boneless Banquet coming back soon? Love me some zinger mini fillets!
wallysaruman1 karma
Does your Colonel Sanders have a Cockney Accent? If so, what are some of his phrases? Also: Chicken Pot pie. Do they serve it? What is your stance on the subject matter. What do you think about Syrian refugees? Thank you! P.S.: Is "Finger Lickin' Good" the slogan there, as well? Is the finger licking any good?
Fanofban1 karma
Our colonel sanders has an American accent in guessing it's Kentucky, we don't do pie at all, I don't understand what refugees have to do with my job hah? It was, but they've changed it to 'so good' so it doesn't sound as unhealthy.
Chopper31 karma
I love the gravy and I love how it varies so very much between branches (some are light, some are dark, some are thick, some are thin), but WHY does it vary so much do you know? Also my nearest branch has a big sign outside that says 'We are "Open"' with the quotes around 'Open' as though they're not really - any idea why?
Fanofban1 karma
It depends how much water, how long it's been cooked (if it's not thick enough it'll get out back in the microwave) I've never noticed and I have no idea :)!
THECapedCaper1 karma
Have you ever tried KFC from a different country? If so, how does it compare to the kind you get in the UK?
Fanofban1 karma
No only old things that aren't advertised anymore because no one buys them, the mini variety pack is one, I don't think anyone even knows what goes in it, it's been that long since we've packed one.
Fanofban1 karma
The ones that don't understand it's actually busy and they aren't the only one to serve, then start getting nasty and bitchy at the till/drive thru. If they get too bad I just refuse to serve them, it's funny. Also the ones that keep money in their bra, you see them take it out and pass you it, why?!? There's also the people that are smoking whilst your serving them (at drive thru), I'm a smoker but I don't blow it purposefully into any drive thru window. Lastly the complainers, not the nice ones, sometimes we pack it wrong, fair enough we shouldn't but it happens, if you're not a twat on the phone I'd be more happy to give you your full refund and your meal free with extras. If you're a knob with me, you'll get your food replaced and that's it.
Taidel1 karma
Wtf is a zinger and a hingi? KFC is fried chicken. In a tub. Whether on the bone or boneless, strips or popcorn. I think there's some sort of crazy thing involving slices of bread, but I stick to the basics.
Corndoggy4201 karma
My friend from the UK calls any sandwich with meat on a bun a "burger". So like if he puts a chicken breast on a bun it's a "chicken burger" when in the US that would be a "chicken sandwich". Where does KFC in the UK stand on this topic?
Colgate2in11 karma
To me if it's in a bun and not sliced bread/baguette/panini or something then it's a burger (Southern England).
ChanSungJung5 karma
What's the biggest order someone has clearly made for themself? Once in KFC I saw an incredibly large couple who bought a bargain bucket each and ate the whole fucking thing right there.
However, I FUCKING LOVE KFC and think it completely shits all over the other UK fast food chains. My go to is a Large Fully Loaded Tower Meal, with Gravy as the side, and two Hot Wings! This is my cheat meal every week, it is amazing.
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