IamA Guy Born With Out His Left Arm AMA!
WOW 12 hours non stop question!
My short bio: I was born without my entire left arm, but that doesn't stop me from much. I recently started a new YouTube channel show off my ability to play video games using my foot!
Since I was born without my arm I've had 21 years of experience adapting to new situations and can do lots of things, like tieing my shoes or even do the monkey bars!. AMA
My Proof: http://imgur.com/1cfVeRg How I took the picture http://imgur.com/z1P5Hl4
Edit: If I had a dollar for every grandmac comment i would have enough money to build a competing business that makes a grandermac that would only be available to one handed people
Common answers:
I'm right handed
Im ALL right.
I type 40wpm
an xray of me http://i.imgur.com/ZEPPKdz.jpg
I'll be posting a video demonstrating some of these answers so keep an eye out on my channel.
How I tie my shoes https://youtu.be/OU5xz1DQ3Wo
Playing CSGO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBp4dChDJrs
Playing Dirt Rally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR6aqB4Mkj4
Support me on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/1armedfreak
irysh9387 karma
But your youtube videos clearly show a left foot.
Are you sure you're all right?
popesnutsack2023 karma
Since you can't clap, are you the guy who whistles so loud at a concert?
Johnathon781117 karma
Has anyone ever said " yeah I'll give you a hand " and immediately apologized? If so, what were your feelings at the time?
1armedfreak1409 karma
Yes, things like that always happen. It doesn't bother because it's never in a mean way and I understand their intention.
rioryan457 karma
A buddy of mine is missing a hand and he'd always go out of his way to say "is that a hand joke??" It was pretty funny
1armedfreak883 karma
Excuse Me He's NOT MISSING A HAND HE'S HAS A LIMB DEFICIENCY, god some people are just so insesitive. /s
nabilux976 karma
Did you use it to guilt your parents ? "Clean your room" "Well I would if you had provided me with two arms, Mom" I would definitely have !
1armedfreak676 karma
Born in Russia with one arm, they're not too fond of physical disabilities there. Scoliosis http://i.imgur.com/sGcsmEM.jpg
Reedit_girl248 karma
Apparently upper limb deficiency and scoliosis are linked.
What country do you live in now?
TouchDads969 karma
Where were you born? I have a friend from Russia that was born without her right arm. Maybe you two could team up.
Reedit_girl583 karma
What extra add-ons will you put on it? I'd have a torch installed, and a built in smartphone oh and a jingling chain sound to sound badass when you walk..
When the robots take over, which side will you be on?
1armedfreak1096 karma
I would add a cup holder. jk. I think I'll be a double agent in the robot wars.
Sgtonearm01736 karma
I too have one arm. What's the best story you've made up when a kid asks you what happened to your arm?
1armedfreak1691 karma
Shark bite, or I say " Once I thought it would be funny to bully this kid for being different..."
hexsticks658 karma
I was born without my lower left arm, cuts off from the elbow. What's the dumbest thing you've been asked? From personal experience I was asked if it hurt being born with it.
1armedfreak1597 karma
Hard to say, but I did get a detention for not taking my arm out of my sleeve.
TRX808391 karma
LOL can you explain further and how things went when the person(s) realized what they did?
1armedfreak825 karma
didnt see them after, i went straight to detention and they all laughed, still had to serve the detention though.
Ohyeahthisawesome491 karma
My good friends daughter was born missing part of a limb. She's 8, and getting really sensitive to other kids commenting on it, which they do, but I think mostly out of cutiousity. Do you have any advice for her to deal with this unwanted attention or for us adults to help her with this?
1armedfreak778 karma
Do not overly protect her there is nothing you can do about jerks and you just need to learn how to handle it, I got through it by becoming very witty always having a comeback.
You just kind of have to own it, once you have a talent it becomes much easier because the attention goes to that.
In public you just have to be confident, don't hide the fact your missing an arm, but don't draw unnecessary attention to it.
people will stare but there is a difference in a "What is that!" stare and a "Whoa I just realized that person has one arm, cool!"
Realtrain419 karma
OK. How the heck do you use the monkey bars??
E: spelling
Double edit: more spelling.
1armedfreak626 karma
Momentum, swing while pulling my knees up and let go at the peak of the swing and grab the next bar in mid air.
Vinny_Gambini394 karma
How are you gonna eat those Big Macs I keep seeing on the front page that you need to hands for?
BriarRue385 karma
Not to be too personal, but how does having one arm affect your relationships (romantic, platonic, or sexual)?
1armedfreak656 karma
doesn't, people get over it really fast because its not a disability in the sense that it hinders my ability. Other than looking different it's not really that much of an issue.
Xaminaf376 karma
I think the real question is, were you fortunate enough to not be a leftie?
Luvenis185 karma
But how do you know that? If you have lived your whole life with a right arm how do you know that it isn't because of getting used to it?
1armedfreak263 karma
Maybe I was left handed but I guess it doesn't matter now. My right arm just feels like the dominant one of that makes sense.
1h8fulkat235 karma
Would you rather have been born without the arm or would you have wanted to experience having two arms and subsequently had to have it amputated?
1armedfreak715 karma
Ignorance is bliss, I don't suffer any emotional trauma that comes with amputation.
JohnzelGrace218 karma
Do your shirts have two arm holes, or do you have special shirts with only one?
Solar-Salor197 karma
Do you arm wrestle? Also why do you play video games with your feet and not one handed?
1armedfreak292 karma
My right arm is pretty strong. When I'm on someone else's system I don't user my foot as a courtesy. I'll have a video posted soon with me using only my hand, but it is not as comfortable since my fingers need to be in awkward positions.
AintNoFortunateSon195 karma
I like to sleep on my left side but my left arm is always in the way. I've long fantasized about being able to remove my left arm while I sleep and reattach it in the morning but alas, science has not quite caught up with my dreams. Could you tell me how nice it is to sleep on your side without an arm?
1armedfreak328 karma
very comfy, except there has been unfortunate consequences, my rib cage has started to flatten on my left side
Bob_Marley1158 karma
Can you play any instruments?
Any funny stories that involve your disability?
1armedfreak393 karma
Yes the piano, and yes I use my foot.
I got detention once from a sub for not "taking my arm out of my sleeve".
Also magic mountain wouldn't let me on their rock wall so I went somewhere else that had one, climbed it, and ended up in the paper.
teetopp155 karma
How can you be absolutely sure you were born without it, rather than your parents taking it away as a punishment when you were really young, and then forgetting where they hid it?
1armedfreak138 karma
could be, i remember my parents freaking out on my once for taking the last cookie
1armedfreak239 karma
I have impeccable balance, but it gets tiring for my arm because I can only push or pull to steer versus 50/50 for each arm.
Reedit_girl128 karma
What inconvenience do you experience the most that we take for granted?
1armedfreak443 karma
Clapping or folding your arms are good ones. But number one by far is that I can't hold a plate of food and eat it I have to be seated. Can be very unfortunate if seating is unavailable. Also I need to go back for drinks too.
nerdherdbird95 karma
Do you feel like sometimes people are too sensitive to you and don't treat you like the normal person that you are?
1armedfreak193 karma
occasionally, but I have a certain dark humor that gets people past the overly careful behaivor.
PadlingtonYT90 karma
Do you feel like you are treated any differently from others? How are your experiences with the opposite sex?
1armedfreak178 karma
Yes at first but one people realize how quickly and efficiently I can adapt they become use to the idea. A lot of times my friends forget I'm missing an arm because it doesn't affect me in my everyday life.
UghYetAnotherAccount88 karma
What did you do with all the money you saved buying mismatched single gloves rather than pairs?
insert_attention79 karma
What other things have you had to adapt to in everyday life.
Whats the most difficult thing you have had to learn? And which took the longest.
1armedfreak208 karma
I can play the piano with foot assistance, I can also open doors with my foot for when I'm holding things. I can cut and shuffle a deck of cards. I can button my shirt. Tie a tie. Pretty much anything. Most difficult though was learning to use a manual can opener. Longest was tying my shoes but now I can do both quickly and with ease.
Daman15978 karma
You mention using your feet to assist with a lot of tasks. Do you have to take your shoes off a lot for this? Do you have a dominant foot? And how much can you do with just your feet?
1armedfreak158 karma
I'm barefoot all the time, I can walk on crazy terrain barefoot.
I am left foot dominant since I use it in the place of my left hand.
Piano, card tricks, games, opening doors, flip people off, those are just off the top of my head.
Trewdub76 karma
Sorry, this might be a blunt question but: how often do you find people looking at you strangely?
AngryLurkerDude66 karma
How was it like growing up? Kids can be brutal when they are little.
Do you get tired of the one arm puns?
1armedfreak156 karma
It was tough but that only motivated me to get good at stuff, no longer did it become a matter of just being able to do something, I needed to be better than the people that were trying to put me down.
Djugdish52 karma
Can you juggle? I can handle two balls with one hand, but three balls would be a handful.
1armedfreak72 karma
No I'm holding the post it with two fingers and hit the button with a third
princessnubz40 karma
Hey i also don't have the majority of my left arm. Can we hold hands?
Oh wait.
1armedfreak59 karma
I had a surgery a few years ago so here is an x-ray http://i.imgur.com/PT8mAsq.jpg
1armedfreak59 karma
not really because its not easy finding an amputee that is a professional actor/actress.
Gullpotet33 karma
Did you enable and disable caps lock for every word in the title? Or did you shift with your thumb and stretch your hand?
Mac266329 karma
Odd question. Is your left pectoral muscle significantly more defined than your right?
shutts6726 karma
Would you rather fight one horse sized duck that was missing a wing, or 100 duck sized horses that were all missing a front leg?
1armedfreak88 karma
100 duck sized horses because they would run funny and i could laugh while running away like a coward
1armedfreak35 karma
Yes took a lot of planning to fool the cashier into thinking I had two hands
Fir3Wolfy10 karma
What is your favorite go meal? Something you can easily prepare or eat while yunno, going places, doing things.
Dwhores9 karma
Have you ever got around the problem of needing two hands for a Grand Mac burger, and if so what's your LPT for other one handed redditors who encounter this requirement?
1armedfreak27 karma
Roll up some news paper and stuff it in your sleeve, then tape glove (make sure its the correct hand) to the end of the sleeve. Next go to McDonalds and order the Grand Mac. ACT NATURAL the last thing you want is to get shot for impersonating a two handed person. Finally take your burger and leave the restaurant quickly and without raising suspicion. Now enjoy your Grand Mac!
lil_Tar_Tar7 karma
Have you ever tried rolling your own cigarettes and or "cigarettes"? If so, are you proficient at it?
Atlanticall4 karma
My best friend's little sister was born without her left hand. Do you know her?
alex_york3 karma
Looked carefully on proof pic if he held it with his left hand. He didn't, checks out!
1armedfreak12 karma
If I were a fake arm yes, the secret is to act natural and they never suspect a thing.
zakats2 karma
How's your typing proficiency? I'm terrible at one hand typing so I generally opt for my phone (with the Google keyboard installed, using the gesture/Swype feature) for that if I find the need. Do you have a similar solution?
weinerdudley2 karma
Are you going to reap the karma of the new "need 2 hands" Big Mac box?
You should.
Demderdemden2 karma
Would you rather fight someone with a leg sized arm or an arm sized leg?
Th4tCanadianGuy2 karma
Do you and [this guy] help each other eat McDonald's? (https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/5s7kpe/well_my_dinner_is_fucked/?ref=share&ref_source=link)
sneakyboii2 karma
Do you actually feel like you should have a left arm. like, there are some people who lost some body parts later in life who said that they still felt the sensation of the body part still being there. do you also have this?
iBurnedTheChurch2138 karma
Are you all right?
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