I do autopsies, record them, livestream them, & photograph them by family consent. This is my 3rd AMA!
I work closely with families who treat autopsy recording like organ donation -- to give to make a difference. When they consent, I record and live stream. Our cases now go into our App or Desktop. For Redditters with a memory I am new and awkwardly overposted last year. Apologies and have hopefully learned my lesson and slowed my role. Please make sure you make that the focus. Or, I am happy to share about the autopsy world. Seemed fun to do.
Autopsy_Chicago1508 karma
No. But we just had a case with a massive recent MI. The finding was a subtle color changes over a broad area of heart muscle. And it jumped out dramatically in the photo. Digital is not the same as the naked eye. Sometimes I'm arm deep in the case and will forget to remove the patient label if we photograph and also video. Then I have to crop it out if I see it in the video. It never goes out on any of our platforms or live stream.
Livestreaming is different and we put a lot of stop-gaps in for patient confidentiality. Video is a go pro on my forehead and I know I can crop out later.
sentimental_goat240 karma
I'm surprised no one has asked you yet, or maybe I missed it in your profile, but have you gotten used to the smell, or you just breath through the mouth when it's particularly bad?
Autopsy_Chicago515 karma
Pretty used to it. Used to be a purist - I want to smell everything. Know the whole case.
Now, for a decomp - a nurse taught me - there's this magic peppermint you can put a drop on your mask. Totally makes it breathable. No problem doing that.
Autopsy_Chicago601 karma
None that I know of. It's like 21st century autopsy amphitheater, IMO. Surgical livestreaming is rare. I have not heard of another autopsy live stream, if that's your question. Video is occasional for medicolegal. Photography common.
bemuzed1254 karma
Did you work for yourself? If not, how did you approach your boss about recording/streaming?
Did you have to clear this with your respective Board, associations, etc?
What was the response from all of the above with your concept?
Autopsy_Chicago633 karma
I work for myself. The beauty of running my own practice. I spent 8 years building my practice, have read every autopsy law in every state legal code in the U.S., spent 3 years writing about autopsy legislation, studied the uniform anatomic gift act, reviewed 20 different hospital consent forms and combined every feature into my own consent, reviewed research practices, combed every inch of the hipaa law before ever attempting this. And most importantly, I don't pressure the families. I understand that they want to do this to help the death "not be in vain" and believe in the fundamentals of informed consent. It, amazing, becomes a healing part of the greif process like body donation or organ donation.
Don't do it unless you know what your doing. (That's my cocky doctor side)
AndrewIsOnline704 karma
See I’ve just been doing it as a hobby at home, it’s nice to talk to a professional about it sometimes.
Autopsy_Chicago217 karma
Ha! You should watch the Death Investigation in America series from a few years ago. Meet the blind coroner, or the one who does cases in his garage. You'll have good company.
heyyouguys01549 karma
Have you listened to the Swindled podcast? There’s an episode about a company that swindled organs to “sell” them! It’s titled The Body Snatcher
Lone_Beagle35 karma
There's a difference between being "cocky" because you put in the work and really know what you are doing, vs. the person who just thinks they know what they are doing...
Autopsy_Chicago60 karma
Yes. Guilty of some anxious false modesty. I'll think about that. Thanks for calling out.
Don't do it unless you know what your doing. Period.
Moderator-Admin21 karma
So who pays for the autopsies? Is it the hospitals that ship you the deceased and then they pay you to figure out the cause of death?
Or is your income mostly from subscriptions to your video/streaming service?
Autopsy_Chicago127 karma
Ah, a lot to back up behind the question.
I have but typically don't work with hospitals. When I do, they foot the bill.
My role is to function as an independent check and balance on hospital and medical exminers, who typically have a lot power in a case. The family then has an alternative to trust, or in the case of the ME, a second opinion. Especially when they worry about malpractice, or if there' s a trust issue with a coroner/medical examiner.
The families contract with me directly. They do not pay for video. We do not charge for that. They pay for an autopsy for closure, and we may or may not record if they wish.
Our wish is that the subscriptions will start to tip the scales, because then we can do more pro bono for families, and record more for education, etc.
radioaktvt191 karma
What would you say has been the most surprising cause of death you have come across in your career? Like where the initial diagnosis was way off.
Autopsy_Chicago541 karma
Often medical examiners will clear a case, especially elderly in nursing homes. When they do that, I can take the case if the family wants the autopsy. I had a case where the patient was cleared. The body bruising on his palm, side of his face, shoulder and side. He denied anything but tripping to his family. And then it turned out to be a rash of batteries of which he was one victim. The medical examiner got involved.
But the most surprising was a recurrent pneumonia that wouldn't go away for 6 months. Despite treatment. under the chest was mold -- like on old cheese in the back of the fridge -- he had an undiagnosed fungal infection and needed antifungals not antibiotics.
benkenobi5168 karma
Are lung fungal infections common? And would you be able to even check while the patient is living?
Autopsy_Chicago244 karma
They are notoriously a missed diagnosis. Typically go along with diabetic and immunocompromised. It's something to know to think of with this patient's history of long course unresponsive to antibiotics. But did not happen.
zohnay147 karma
Do you every have medical students do a pathology rotation with you to learn more about the ins/outs of forensic pathology?
Autopsy_Chicago150 karma
Yes. Love students. Not a forensic pathologist - more of a hospital pathologist (heart attack stroke). But love students.
Brooklyn8828124 karma
Do you ever see things that could improve a populations health mental or physical in your work?
Autopsy_Chicago316 karma
Smoking smoking smoking
Diet diet diet.
----> Heart attack, stroke, emphysema, cancer ---> my autopsy table.
Also, there's one particular condition (well a few) people (and clinicians) don't know about or check for:
Bicuspid valve (looks like a heart attack because is later in life, but is often inherited). Aorta tears open. Two (bi) parts (cusps) the aortic valve.
Marfan syndrome: Tall stretchy people who also tear open their aorta, but can be followed and treated if diagnaosed.
Big one: Alzheimer's disease is usually sporadic (means not inherited). Families worry. But if there's no family histoy onset is elderly, typicallynot inherited.
Same for cancer. Colon cancer in an 80 year old without family history is typically mother nature doing her thing after a life time - not inherited.
Mental health. It's ok to advocate. Trust your gut feeling if you don't think the doctor/provider is saying/doing something that feels right, speak up. Either learn or find out but participate.
And a ton more.
Autopsy_Chicago141 karma
Thank you. I got Reddit-slammed last time for seeming to turn this into a marketing session (not my goal). If you have a way, message me or via [info@autopsy.online](mailto:info@autopsy.online) Tx.
Autopsy_Chicago242 karma
Take breaks. Bike in Wisconsin (The "Kettles" as they say - Kettle Morraine Valley). See Toy Story 4 and stay away from horror. For the balance.
But care about the family and do a good job with the case. That feels great and is often energizing to hear them feel "at peace." It's a different practice from a coroner becuase I work closely the family, meet them, talk to them before and after. That becomes the focus, and the dead body is there to find the information that will help them feel better. I say it's like changing a diaper. If it's someone else's kid - yuck. Poop. If it's you kid, you love them and you do it. These are my families. (cue angel chorus....). So I love it.
And I write. Poetry and fiction.
5-HolesInTheFence15 karma
I don't have anything significant to add, just wanted to say that I live in the Kettle Moraine area and it's a great place for hiking and biking!
Also am in the medical field, but as a medical laboratory scientist, so this is all super interesting to me!
Autopsy_Chicago16 karma
Lucky you. Know the "Fire wud" Ice cream shop in Dundee? How about the Lumber Inn.
Love it. Can't wait to go back.
God's country.
plainrane88 karma
Do you cover the faces?
Is there a part of a body that when you look at it it makes you feel like this is a person and not a body? I don't know if that makes sense. When I did anatomy and physiology we had a cadaver lab and we had to cover the hands because it made people uncomfortable seeing them. Like it made it more of a person than a thing.
Autopsy_Chicago140 karma
Yes, always. Part of the agreement with the family is that we can have people learn from their loved one but we'll protect the confidentialiaty. Face, name labels, tatoos, etc. Off with the sound for confidential discussions, etc.
I remember that from med school. The hands are particulary emotional -- fingernal polish adds to it.
It's always a person's face, mostly. When you're in the middle of it focusing in the chest cavity, it's all work and investigation although you don't every forget it's a person.
Teenagers and babies it's the whole thing from head to toe. No one part of the person is different or less emotionally laden.
Magnetic_Eel110 karma
At my med school gross anatomy lab always starts with the cadaver face down and we do the back structures for the first block. That way students can get used to working with a real human body for a little while before they ever see his/her face.
mdcd4u2c32 karma
I can see this going the other way too though. Without seeing the face, students might start off not seeing the human side and then when you flip to the anterior muscles, they've already developed habits. Unfortunately, I'm speaking from experience because we did the same thing at our school.
Kataclysm63 karma
I bought your app last year and I absolutely love it! I'm no doctor (I work in I.T.) but I have always been interested in the body, and being able to see these autopsies and have them clearly explained in the manner you do is incredible.
Question: What is your favorite animal and why? And since you're a writer, if it pleases you, please phrase your answer in the form of a haiku.
Autopsy_Chicago135 karma
Ha! Challenge - no leash.
Summer's scattering feet can
Chase the ball. Or bark.
Biscuitthepug54 karma
What qualifications are needed, and do you recommend it? I've always been interested in medical stuff, but schooling is proving too much, so gave up on being a vet. Oh, and the smells. I am now used to the smell of death (Practicing taxidermist), but do you reckon human decay/innards smell different than animal, like squirrel and armadillo smell different? Sorry for the rambling, I'm tired. Thank you for this!
Autopsy_Chicago61 karma
Fascinating. I wouldn't anticipate much of a difference between animals. You should do an AMA! I couldn't do the comparison for you. Humans don't smell much at first (like a meat store doesn't smell, really). And then it's pretty similar.
M.D. Pathology Residency. I love it, although wasn't till later in residency that I could say that dt sleepless call nights. But pretty cool to have an impact on a family and do something interesting. We need good people everywhere so whatever floats your boat.
Autopsy_Chicago175 karma
Care about the family.
Presume that everything you say and do, every word on your report can be a 1 ton knife sitting on a nerve or the kindest most gentle breeze soothing a tragedy
So just be clear and through and compassionate.
Also -- if you don't know, wait to talk. It's worse to give information if you know it could change.
And more. Read my book (if and when I write it...).
Innocent_Convict53 karma
Have you ever had a body come in and thought 'GAT DAMN, this guy went out the hard way'?
Autopsy_Chicago103 karma
That sounds like medical examiner coping language.
I rotated at the ME in residency. The guy had a tattoo on his penis "Eat Me." They called him a pig.
I don't think about families that way.
I had a 12 year old who went joy riding with some other tweenish teens after a parent handed over the keys. They drove the vehicle in to a tree. The bottom half of the spine was two inches ahead of the top and took the aorta with it. Horrible tragedy.
PlasticGirl42 karma
WOW that last one! That must have been a violent crash. Was the cause of death from internal bleeding?
Vandechoz44 karma
my kid seems to have an interest in the human body, especially internal organs
can I show them an autopsy without making them a serial killer?
Autopsy_Chicago84 karma
Based on your question, no, but not because of an autopsy video. Something tells me it might be too late.
bigjamg42 karma
Are you ever shown a before death photo of the deceased and how does that effect your mentality during the autopsy, if any?
Autopsy_Chicago83 karma
Those are amazing and shocking. The life in the person radiates out of the picture in a way I can never imagine looking that the body. Suddenly they have a personality. If it's before, it's usually the family has shown me during -- we have a family meeting before the case. It's just one more thing that builds a connection between me and them, on top of their sharing the "medical history" and all the stories that are part of it. Doesn't change the work, just strengthens the commitment to getting in there and making sure to help how I can.
IReallyLikeAvocadoes39 karma
How desensitized would you say you are to corpses and general human gore? Is there anything that still freaks you out in autopsies, even if just a little?
Autopsy_Chicago71 karma
Corpses, and it was not that way a few years ago, probably a used to it now. I recall recently walking in and chatting with a funeral director and suddenly telling my assistant -- wasn't that a bit odd, saying a warm hello and witnessed by two still bodies in the room.
Gore - not desensitized at all. Avoid it. Hate it. People say "your an autopsy pathologist!" I don't care. I'll never go to horror movie. Don't seek out images or video's. It's different when it's my case becuase it's also my family so that's my focus and I'll do the work I need to to help.
LifeIsDeBubbles38 karma
You seem like an intelligent, caring person. How can I assign you to perform my autopsy in the event of my death?
Autopsy_Chicago71 karma
First I'll take the question literally.
Not everyone has an autopsy. It's not required. You don't need to plan for it.
The state decides if they take it, but if they release the case then your next of kin will be able to make a request.
Legally, in Illinois you can also request your own, but it's best to talk with your legal next of kin. There's no "first person consent" like organ donation so you'd need their participation to make it work.
If you want for some reason to have one/donate to science that's another story. I run Autopsy Center of Chicago. We also do things like brain donation to research and sometime, cancer/tumor donation to research. And of course, video for education.
Or if this is just a wish -- then, simply, thank you for your kind words.
Banana_splitz34 karma
When someone’s death is ruled “natural causes” what exactly does that mean? Does that mean there was no determined actual cause of death?
Autopsy_Chicago60 karma
No. It means the cause was a medical condition.
It's a "manner of death" and there are 5.
Undertemined is it's own category.
Autopsy_Chicago46 karma
Also, medical malpractice is, although debated, commonly considered a Natural cause of death, even if the family has strong feelings, etc.
He11oK1tty26 karma
Is there a clip you could share or some sort of other info we can look at? $10 isn’t a lot of money but I’m curious but unsure what to actually see.
Autopsy_Chicago29 karma
Sure. Go to the home page of www.autopsy.online There are some demos. That's the desktop platform for schools, mostly. But the videos are up on the Autopsy App (minus the interactive/searchable/school-related stuff). App's at www.autopsychicago.com/app but it sounds like you found it.
He11oK1tty22 karma
Lol my crap phone decided to mix two videos and I heard “this is the cerebellum...and the optic nerves...etc etc” while you were clipping away at fat in a leg! Anyway, great content and will be super helpful with school. I’m downloading the app now.
Beeardo13 karma
Seeing you flip a skull up like its a lid on a jar gave me maybe one of the most odd feelings ive ever felt in my life.
Autopsy_Chicago50 karma
One of the strangest and most profound experiences in medical school in my plastic surgery rotation. Not an autopsy. A surgery. A baby with a cranial deformity and bone restructuring. Did not see the early part of the case. When all done, they rolled the face back up and she was suddenly a person again. Just incredible.
Vepr762X54R23 karma
Do you review medical records from when the person was alive before the autopsy?
Let's assume patient died because of an unrelated issue like a car crash.
For example, patient saw a doctor repeatedly for some ailment (headaches, testicular pain, knee pain etc) do you take a special look at that body part? Do you contact that doctor so he can be part of the autopsy? Do you report your findings to that doctor?
Autopsy_Chicago40 karma
Yes. Can review medical records and do often.
Never speak to the doctor unless the family authorizes. The case is confidential and they may be litigating.
Family will request records.
I can't even acknowledge I know the family or the patient unless they give me permission.
pandaramencat23 karma
Have you ever saw the movie “The Autopsy of Jane Doe” on Netflix? If so, what was your thought on it? If not, you should go watch it its really good!
Autopsy_Chicago48 karma
Never. Ever. Ever.
I do it for a living. As I say, Me: Disney.
Or green mountains of Wisconin or a summer fest band.
Autopsy_Chicago30 karma
Let me check.
Skecher shoes.
New Balance sneakers sometimes for a case.
gutterandstars22 karma
There's an audience for livestreaming autopsies?!! What's the most number of people who have watched one,,,??
Autopsy_Chicago29 karma
Over a million when we started. Then Facebook, I'm guessing, changed the algorithm
800K, 200k and so on.
Now, when we do it, it'll be on the Autopsy App or Autopsy.Online desktop.
Autopsy_Chicago39 karma
Wish I knew. Depends on family consent. I don't control that. Right now I'm also focusing on straight recording because we're getting the Autopsy App up and going and it's just simpler. But once, it's a little more full of content and going, I'll get back to live streaming.
Baewoolannos15 karma
As someone who has necrophobia, specifically fear of corpses. What are some ways to desensitize slowly and bulid up to watching your content?
Autopsy_Chicago75 karma
Why is that a goal? Go enjoy living stuff. We need sensitive people everywhere.
msiekkinen14 karma
"Individual" subscription has a "pricing" link but doesn't show anything, contact page asks if we're a student student/educator/medical professional/administrator.
Can the general public that's curious subscribe or do we need an official school affiliation?
Autopsy_Chicago17 karma
We stopped the student subscription because we're engaging schools more now and want to be sure costs are through the schools not additional for students. I don't want to do this here because (even today a little) the Reddit police slam me for marketing (which I'm not). But if you can message or try email [info@autopsy.online](mailto:info@autopsy.online) that will work.
Autopsy_Chicago37 karma
No. I get asked that tho. In medical school a student from the anatomy table over -- sometimes you have to tuck the arm out and get between it and the body to do your work -- especially for a larger patient -- another medical student took the opportunity to prank me and moved the arm around me as though the patient were alive again and succeeded in getting a scare out me. Medical students....
thewafflestompa8 karma
I don’t know if this has been asked, but what was your first autopsy like? I imagine it’s a little different than gutting a fish? I couldn’t but i respect those who get the job done!
Autopsy_Chicago22 karma
I was excited. An eager first year resident. They started you on babies because the anatomy is so compact and manageable and easy to see all the relatonships. I don't remember the case. Now I find babies (any children) extremely difficult. But I was more "sciency" back then and am more emotional plus science-application now so I respond to the case differently.
SeaOfDinks1 karma
Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions.
Is there any concern at all about people viewing your material with the wrong intention? Not for educational purposes to help people, but instead perhaps for macabre reasons?
Autopsy_Chicago8 karma
Yes, of course. And we banned a lot of people off social media when we posted more there.
But most people are genuinely curious and that outweighs the outliers. It's a fascinating look and I want people to learn.
That's partly why we've gone to the App. Free on social media attracts a drop-in trolling. And a bit a few bucks ensures a commitment. Then we can live stream and be a bit more ensured of the group.
drkirienko1 karma
Why did you use the same photo for both the bladder and the prostate on the body map portion of your site?
Autopsy_Chicago3 karma
The body map does not end with the photo. They click into a video. That is the thumbnail for the video. It shows both organs. Subscribers know this.
Autopsy_Chicago2 karma
Autopsy_Chicago21 karma
You mean recording?
My husband was a science teacher.
My wife watched all the animal shows, she would love it.
My sister had cancer and couldn't be an organ donor. She wanted to do something.
I watch all the videos on YouTube and find this fascinating. Let's do it.
Sure, if it helps someone learn, I want to do it.
I'm a doctor/nurse/er tech I want to give back.
I'm looking for an alternative to body donation.
And so on.
tenaciousNIKA0 karma
I think this AMA would be more interesting if your first sentence ended “without family consent” instead. Do you agree?
inot721370 karma
Have you ever watched the video and found something that you missed during the actual procedure?
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