Highest Rated Comments

mdcd4u2c48 karma

There should be a law that says if the government is shutdown for [x] amount of time, state legislatures or something can call for re-election of their congresspeople during that year for failing to meet the needs of the people. Sure, congresspeople who attempted to make a good faith attempt to re-open the government would also be at risk, but that collateral damage effects a lot less people than allowing them to use federal workers as a bargaining chip because there are no repercussions.

mdcd4u2c32 karma

I can see this going the other way too though. Without seeing the face, students might start off not seeing the human side and then when you flip to the anterior muscles, they've already developed habits. Unfortunately, I'm speaking from experience because we did the same thing at our school.

mdcd4u2c7 karma

Even if you fully believe bitcoin will lead the way, why would you short the other coins in a market with no real history or precedence. You're basically guessing that all the other alt coins will fail but claiming this technology is the wave of the future.