IAmA Florida Man who caught an alligator in Chicago
Howdy My name is Frank Robb I catch alligators for the state of Florida and have done so for 25 years this coming year. I was asked to come to Chicago in July and catch Chance the Snapper, a gator in a city park.
I since have a coloring book I released in Nov. And a Bobble head that came out this Month. Must admit I had no idea what Reddit was and ended up here from a post from a group called Today I learned, which was about myself and chance. Lol Anyhow...Merry Christmas and many blessings to you each and all! Realalligatorrobb EEARSS.org
Both...family has loved the outdoors forever...grew up land surveying with pop and uncle caught gators...wilderness in the blood...praise God
punkrockhippie18 karma
What’s your theory on how he came to Chicago? And if he wasn’t discovered, would he have survived the winter?
There was a open pipe into the sewer on the south east side of the lake...so possible if he found that...my understanding from law enforcement is that they come across them in drug house raids a couple times a year
ElDuderino148217 karma
Baby alligators cost about $75 each in the illegal reptile trade here in the Chicago area. There used to be a shady reptile swap meet that happened twice monthly that used to get shut down all the time. At one point I saw baby Nile crocs being sold there for $250 each. The ownership of that swap meet changed hands after the guy who used to run it died, and they supposedly cleaned up their act, but a lot of the original vendors still sell there.
ep3ep38 karma
Nile crocs
These things are terrifying. 14 feet long, 1000 pounds and can swim at 20 mph. That's a whole lot of nope.
Y'all ever consider making a call about that? CACC or ur DNR would enjoy knowing this
chappinn15 karma
Ok, let's say I suddenly find myself in a situation where I need to catch a gator since it won't stop hanging out in my garden and it won't go away. Any pointers?
Haha call ur local authorities...repairing fingers likely aint cheap
k3rmz14 karma
Hello Frank
Question: you know when you have done something long enough brain sometimes goes to autopilot and you can't seem to remember much later. Have you experienced something similar when catching gators?
I know exactly what you mean...try to make myself slow down and be methodical every day with work...what ur describing is how many people get hurt...but yes it does happen! Thankfully its a little different every single time
I apply new layers of paste like glue each and every morning...braided in with Sheltie Hair..😂😂...love ya buddy!!
klahsio12 karma
Humboldt Park resident. Did you go to any local bars while in Chicago? Was that the first time in our city?
Any highlights of the trip?
First time every in the Midwest yeah...I found several nice places...Rev Brewing is awesome as is bub city...love that brisket!
I love the animal...love wildlife and it's how I am able to work and do research with them
coker22-14 karma
You go on approximately 3.8 calls per day, every day, without ever taking a single day off?
I’m gonna call either bullshit or 6th grade math education on that one.
I thought ur Math was pretty amazing...winter time it slows way down...like today for instance 1 call...and many days through out winter with little to nothing...spring and summer...you work days at a time with little rest...might check on 20 plus calls a day.
My Math stopped at Calc....brain still hurts...never quite recovered 😂
Meeting the players there that played in the 60s was amazing too...as well as the pitcher whom caught the ball I threw...also a Florida man! Kyle Ryan
Oh wow...so calming....everyone talks about how overwhelming it can be...was one of the most amazing experiences ever standing out there looking around that field...and well knowing that you can throw a baseball takes any pressure that might exist away 🙏
The farms pump them full of air to loosen the hide from the meat...I have found the best way is to avoid trying it haha
The_MoonCricket1 karma
Thanks! I’ve been collecting pelts and an alligator is a dream for me!
They are not worth a dime and likely never will be again...good time to find one if ur in the market!
Market has always been on a 5/6 cycle...market got flooded...then the market decided it didn't want anything but farm gator hides...so the wild gators that require being put down have no value any longer
JQuilty5 karma
Were you amused at how inept the previous attempts were? We were all joking about how a flordiaman caught it in less than 24 hours.
I said it before...we kinda all have our gifts...other feller was in over his head but he was doing it for nothing and doing what he felt would work...but truth be told it never would have worked that way.
SparkleTheFart4 karma
When did you realize that this job would launch you into the public eye?
Also what is your favorite animal?
Been doing educational programs for a very long time...and the media shows up to calls when gators on on peoples porches on in their pools all the time...had actually been on Good Morning America even a couple times before this after catching gators that seriously injured people...might sound odd but I really.enjoy them all...opposums are one of my faves...as I hate ticks!
kaseydjones4 karma
Big fan here. How are you, just like in general? What’s your favorite color and what does it make you feel? What’s the last book you read or documentary you saw that made you go “that was a good ass book/documentary”? Are you still in Chicago and/or liking it? The best Mexican food you can have is Naty’s Taco, on Chicago Ave. You’re a gift and a hero. Also I love you.
Aww I am amazing...be back up 7 times since capturing chance...love it...back in Florida now...much love to you too!! Thank you for the kindness!!
I'm a pepperoni guy...but dont mind pineapple...growing a few right now
mbutterfly323 karma
What’re your thoughts on global warming? Have you ever eaten gator meat?
notahouseflipper3 karma
Frank, St. Augustine here, transplanted from Ft. Lauderdale. How can S FL get rid of their Iguana problem?
No threat of that ever happening Mr. Flipper...if they wanted them gone or not
xijnnjix3 karma
What do you think about the gators in the movie Crawl? I didn't even see them roll...
Kahzootoh3 karma
How did the City of Chicago reach out to you?
Did someone think “hey Florida has gator problems all the time, we should call and ask them for their gator guy’s number”?
CACC asked a bunch of people and my name was the one being dropped 🙏...blessed to be good at my work and known for it
Lespacer3 karma
Was there ever a situation when you were catching alligators, that could have potentially put you at the risk of losing your life? If there were, what was the closest you got to death?
Many many times....anytime ur in a culvert catching a large gator face to face...you question ur life decisions LOL
NapStar4202 karma
What kind of payment did you get from this? Did you have to pay to get to Chicago?
I paided my way and they reimbursed me after...not as much as you might imagine...due to public record laws they released all that information including emails ... Its worth a Google if ur interested 🙏
TH3R34P3R9912 karma
Florida man usually wrestles the alligator, do you wrestle the gator??
No wrestling...that's for road side attractions with tame alligators 🙏
medfitthrowaway2 karma
Question about crocodiles if you have any experience with them. In the hotel zone of Cancun there is a large lagoon with a known presence of many crocodiles. Wife and I didn't know this a few years ago when we went there and rented some jet skis. Unfortunately the ocean was too turbulent so they told us to just stick around in the lagoon. Fell off a few times but overall a fun time. Were we in any danger with the crocs there?
Those would be American crocs...the only issue is feeding...otherwise they are even more shy than alligators....an area with large activity with boats and jetskis is not a place they want to be...if you cruised away from the populated active area's into a wilderness area it wouldnt be the most intelligent idea
nutty-professor2 karma
What happens to gators after you catch them? Do they all go to the alligator farm?
The gators I catch for the state have a different outcome on many of the occasions...if its a fed gator or a gator that has hurt a pet person or livestock that's the end of his story....this is very emotional at times...its an animal we love...but I would personally rather be the person doing that tough side, with love and care than someone whom doesn't have any affection toward the species. Hope that answers ur question...In spite of the "reality" shows u sometimes see on TV...the truth isn't so warm and fuzzy sadly.
nutty-professor2 karma
Thanks for the answer. Sorry to hear they don't always have a happy ending, but you have a great perspective and I'm also glad that the gators have you to handle them.
I'd always rather people know the truth as brutal as that truth can be sometimes....much appreciated sir.🙏💚
Topthrill92 karma
Do you get annoyed when people confuse alligators and crocodiles? What’s the difference anyway? Just kidding. Not really.
Haha...there are now 25 recognized species of crocodilian...three family groups...Gharials...Camien/alligators and Crocodiles....the differences are vast...Google the crocodile specialist group and be amazed...happy new year!
My alligator life...sounds like a book lol...all good here...each day is a blessing
Loved them all been back 7 times since...wonderful city...terrific people!
Wow...beaches (with salt water) cypress swamps, my blood family....because Lord knows I have made lots of family in Chicago...great people
andygauge1 karma
We hear about Florida man a lot on Reddit. Were you also the one who bought generators for the Bahamas?
LJensen123Q1 karma
I have another question. This may have been asked but is all of the stuff that happens in Florida actually how the media portrays it?
Not at all!! Lol...there is crazy everywhere...I believe its us and Ohio that make arrest reports public record and post it on the web...so our crazy is just a little more accessible BWHAHAHA
Indira60142 karma
Am from Ohio, can confirm. This place’s crazy is just more visible to the world than other states.
Yes...but I must admit I am becoming an even larger fan of the thin crust there...Omg...
VictorKutepov2 karma
The pizza in the suburbs are even better than in the city, especially in the north side, I really recommend it
I catch 99% of them on a fishing rod...as big as u can imagine...no bait
Bed_human36 karma
How did you get into the Gator life?
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