Highest Rated Comments

--Gently--11 karma

Will you ever share your users's data with other businesses?

--Gently--8 karma

Do you think something like a Marshall Plan for Central America could work to help people want to stay in their home countries? I fear that continued irregular immigration will push the US farther to the right, as has happened in many European countries.

--Gently--6 karma

What do you hope will happen now with the leadership? Separately, do you think PR should be independent/a US state/stay the same?

--Gently--4 karma

I dream of a Puerto Rico that is part of the United States of the Antilles

Sounds great, ¡suerte!

--Gently--3 karma

Ok, thanks. I thought the city thing would restrict the alerted error fares to those locations, but I understand now.