Highest Rated Comments

-Umami-10 karma

Your Poe was amazing!!! I got chills when you started off with such a famous rhyme scheme. Have you ever given a thought to writing a full song in that style? If anyone could pull it off it's you.

-Umami-4 karma

Have you ever listened to electro swing?

-Umami-4 karma

It is! A lot of classic, big band, horn heavy and modern swing music mixed with electronic music. It's really upbeat and will get you moving! The station Caravan Palace on Pandora is a good mix of different kinds of electro swing if you're interested. I think you'd like it.

Follow up, if you're ever interested in swing dancing shoot me a message and I'll take you! It's a ton of fun.

-Umami-2 karma

As a young cook fighting to become good enough to be a chef, I often have confidence issues.

I'm a pastry intern trying to learn about the savory side of things at a great restaurant but I'm so slow. I'm about to graduate from my university and I'm not as fast as my coworkers who have been doing this for years. All my chefs say that speed takes time, but will get frustrated with me when I do something for the first time ever and it takes me a long time because I want to make sure I do it right.

Also I try to get along with my coworkers but they don't like me as much as the other intern. I really want to be a part of the team but feel like the outcast of the kitchen. I'm a reserved person and it's taken a lot for me to get to where I am more outgoing.

I'm graduating from a highly competitive and hard to get into bachelors degree program on the deans list, and I'm a grant recipient from the James beard foundation. But when I step into the kitchen I get overwhelmed trying to keep up and not fuck up. Turned out most of my coworkers didn't know I was only trained in pastry and just thought I was an idiot.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, help. Did you ever feel like no matter how hard you tried it didn't matter? I'm trying to stay as confident as I was in classes but I feel so lost. I look around and feel out of place. I chose this restaurant because I want to be just as good at the savory side of things so I can break down the barrier between the two worlds. But is that even possible for me?

TL;DR: Did you ever feel like your best wasn't good enough? What did you do?

Thank you for taking the time to read this if you do.

P.S. You're awesome and I really look up to you. I look forward to working my way through all the MAD symposiums.

-Umami-2 karma

Hey Watsky, I love your music and poetry! I devoured your book in a day and I hope you write more. I love your writing style, it was like hearing a friend telling me stories about the crazy things they had done. I'm saving so I can hopefully buy a ticket to see you live for the first time!

  1. Do you like sweets?

  2. Would you consider letting me make and send you some? ( I'm a pastry chef so I promise they'll be good.)

  3. Do you have any advice for someone who loves writing poetry but doesn't feel like their work is good enough to share?

If you're still reading this, if you even so much as glanced I know you probably won't answer, there are better questions here. I just hope you kept reading.

I want you to know how much your work has impacted me. In many ways your music is one of the reasons I'm still alive to send this message into the void. I have major depression, anxiety, and sensory processing sensitivity. The world terrifies me, stresses me out, makes me sick, and makes me feel alone. I had no idea about anything but being sensitive until recently and it turns out my mental health has been declining for some time. I'm getting help now, and I have my own pill to take every morning to help me feel human.

But I digress, I wanted you to know your music has been with me through all of this. Without meaning to you motivated me to continue living and getting out of bed every morning. Your music has given me strength to fight back, to feel powerful and confident. Having a hypersensitive nervous system means I can easily hear every note, word, breath, and it will resonate with me. It's extremely hard for me to find music to listen and fully enjoy because of my sensitivity.

Your music gives me chills, it makes me weep with joy because it is so absolutely beautiful to me. I have never gotten tired of anything you've created. The rhyme schemes, beats, the way you pronounce words fascinates me. I hope to save enough to tattoo a full sleeve of my favorite lyrics from you on my arm.

Just, please know that your music is making a difference.

TLDR: I'm still alive because of you, and I would like to make you sweets and chocolates whenever you want as thanks. Because of you I'm not sinking, I'm just kicking it at sea level. Thank you.