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02keilj4 karma

Mother fucker. That was what I wanted to do for ages but never did because of my eyes. I still want to fly, probably will end up with just PPl fixed wing though.

02keilj2 karma

My friend and I wrote a children's book but are still in the stages of putting the artwork together. We joked that we were the most vulgar people to every write a childrens book. I think you have topped that. Thank you for allowing us to use "we are not the most vulgar childrens authors" as a selling point for our book.

02keilj2 karma

At this stage its taking its time. Neither of us are good artists and we don't really have any money to pay someone.

On the topic of being vulgar, the girl I am writing with is a relatively successful author of erotic werewolf fiction. She started that after the childrens book haha.