Highest Rated Comments

10111001110709 karma

You guys are definitely the most entertaining science AMA people I've read

10111001110136 karma

Holy cow the Pacific is massive and anything but pacific. Also how did you get food out there?

10111001110124 karma

Holy cow that's a lot of food! Also serious props to you, that is no small feat and you raised money for charity. You are some pretty cool folks

101110011103 karma

So I live in Bellingham, how bad off am I if Mt Rainer erupted? Also what kind of activity is happening on top of Mt St Helens I remember there being a small cone on top last time I was there but it's been a few years

101110011102 karma

Hey I am from the Pacific Northwest (area with Port Townsend) and that is a beautiful boat, but how did you get food out there? Did you have supply boats or did you pack it all on board?