Highest Rated Comments

19Riften997 karma

I have a fairly neutral stance on this issue... not really for it or against it. Before 2014 The United States did not have Net Neutrality and the internet seemed to flourish for all those years before hand. What started to happen that required a need for Net Neutrality on a federal level.

I also have just one more question. When the Net Neutrality repeal happened, there was wide spread panic that the internet was going to die, from my perspective it seemed like nothing has changed but has progressed all the same with releases of new network technologies like 5g. I would like to note I might be wrong on somethings but please feel free to correct me. But Since the repeal how has the internet been affected? Is there any practice growing not being covered by media to be alarmed about

19Riften993 karma

I'm confused

19Riften993 karma

What has been the most difficult part of the process, and how have you worked through it? Thank you for doing this AMA, and best of Luck with "Lost Existence"!

19Riften992 karma

How was your experience with collaborating with AJR?

19Riften991 karma

In school, what about Nepal's history where you guys often taught about or seemed to be the most important in regards to Nepal's history?