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5giantsandaweenie5 karma

Why are we not seeing astronomical numbers in cities that hosted huge protests?

Also, I have a 5 year old who was born at 25 weeks. She has epilepsy & fasd, and a gtube . My 9 year old and myself have asthma and my parents (65&66) have diabetes and heart disease and live with us. How on earth do I function without nearly paralyzing anxiety of this?

5giantsandaweenie1 karma

My daughter has had surgery for a gastrostomy tube and umbilical hernia. While in the hospital one of her nurses told me that NICU and PICU were one of the safest places due to constant screenings.

Do you find this true where you’re at? My daughter was a 24’week micropreemie. Thank you for all that you do!