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8rg6a2o48 karma

Rick, thank you for doing this AMA, and brace yourself to be overwhelmed by comments.

My question: is there one definitive website or article that outlines the health benefits of cannabis based on scientific studies? This bookmark could help many of us who are fighting this battle online.

8rg6a2o4 karma

Thanks to everyone on the ISON team for what you're doing.

It's a pity that a stupid post about a fucking TV show has 10 times as many votes as this one. Say a lot about our twisted priorities as a nation when entertainment generates so much more interest than science.

8rg6a2o1 karma

You can bring a tent and sleeping bag, I did. BUT know that it is added weight and bulk that is far better served with other things (or no things). Travel a light as possible. When I was there I did find a few campgrounds, but they are usually off the beaten path, so good if you're driving, but not easily accessible by public transportation. And they are usually almost the same price as a hostel.

Of course you could design your trip around camping and rent or buy a car, or hitchhike in places (it's never easy to hitch except in Ireland), or do an Alps tour or something like that, but for a general backpacking trip to Europe, you'll want to be primarily urban based using public transport and staying in hostels.

Oh, and just do some research as you go. You might end up in some hostels specifically for youth, but usually they are pretty all ages. The HI's are kind of by the rules and not as much fun IMHO, the independents can be of all varieties, but you don't have to worry about anything, staying in hostels is like being with family. People love to help.

8rg6a2o1 karma

I've done a LOT of hosteling around the planet, and theft is surprisingly rare (except of beer you leave in the fridge). Backpackers look out for each other really well.

That said, of course take precautions. If you have to travel with a lot of cash, don't put it all in one place, hide it in various spots (like sewn into the lining or secret canisters).

It is always best NOT to carry valuables around when backpacking though. Not really a need to bring precious jewelry or wads of cash anyway, so try to avoid it. But as noted, don't worry about theft, once you get there you'll understand, it's like a community.

8rg6a2o1 karma

Working for a free room happens, but it's not easy to come by these things. It usually requires staying there for at least 2 weeks, getting along with the workers there, and showing you commitment to making a good hostel. Inquire as you go, because it's a good way to defray travel costs.