Highest Rated Comments

AJRiddle328 karma

You should make a youtube video displaying all of your non-OL skills like pass, punt, and kick. Shit would be awesome.

AJRiddle145 karma

I mean Fargo is at heart a traditional great drama film that appeals to adult audiences.

AJRiddle63 karma

I have been playing SC4 for 7 years now and my number 1 annoyance with the game is the inability to build buildings at angles and around curves, along with the few options on intersections and road pathings.

AJRiddle6 karma

Well the guy in the video did say his managers told them to put it out there for the inspection.

AJRiddle3 karma

You are missing the fact that Ukraine was never an ally with NATO countries like the USA and other powers in the EU.

They were an ally with Russia - now they are enemies with Russia.

The simple fact is that if NATO arms Ukraine now, it is like a big fuck you to Russia because NATO never cared about Ukraine until they were fighting Russia.