Highest Rated Comments

AgencyAgent3766 karma

Sometimes Archer. But most of the time Cyril Figgis.

AgencyAgent3636 karma

Same. I applied online and then got a phone call. I wasn't expecting it and sounded like a complete idiot when it caught me out of the blue. I straight up asked at one point, "So like wait, this is for the CIA right?" There was some dead silence for a few seconds after that where she probably considered her life choices before continuing on.

AgencyAgent3581 karma

You beat me to it. Much appreCIAted.

AgencyAgent3350 karma

Smart question. Love it. They didn't do the greatest job I can tell you that much. I'm from the country, rural with amish and trailer parks, so anytime you pull up to either of these types of homes in a black SUV, in a black suit, with a clipboard, and start asking questions about my being trustworthy...well, it definitely makes people suspicious. Oh, and also, "I'm from the government. Doug's applying for a position with a government." was a really horrible explanation to give my friend while he was milking cows that day. Thanks dudes.

AgencyAgent3167 karma

Only if it makes the front page.