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AgingLiberalDouche4 karma

Of course they 'get away with" it. They are the CIA.

AgingLiberalDouche2 karma

How is this particular conflict America's fault? And if it is not, how can we make it look like it is?

AgingLiberalDouche1 karma

I'm glad you are doing better. I had a similar stay at the lovely VA psych ward in MA. I live with manic depression (bipolar), and found myself there for about a week. It was very humbling to see what condition some of the other patients were in, like the paranoid schizophrenic patients or severe ptsd. They changed my meds, and since then (3 months) not a wiff of depression, which is life changing. Personally, I've always been impressed with the health care I've gotten at the VA, but I'm sure it just depends on what region you're from. Keep on keeping on .

AgingLiberalDouche1 karma

I had a similar experience to OP's and I can honestly say that is the closest comparison IMO. Heavily medicated, gowns, wandering aimlessly down the halls.