Highest Rated Comments

AlfaBetaZulu1730 karma

What is your favorite and least favorite parts of your profession?

Have you ever developed feelings for a client?

Thank you for doing an AMA. ☺️

AlfaBetaZulu1 karma

What's the most obscure record anyone has asked for?

Who is your top selling artist/band?

Who are your top 3 favorite artists/bands?

What is the most expensive record in your shop right now? How much is it?

I love my local music store. I still collect cd's though. Lol. But the ones by me do really well and have very dedicated shoppers including myself. I really appreciate what you do. And good luck with the new store. Positively records is my go to shop but we also have the Princeton record exchange which is a pretty massive record store. We have another called the record collector. I'm pretty lucky to have a pretty booming music store scene by me. I know most aren't as lucky and don't even get to have a pick on where they go.

Free upvote if you know my avatar without looking it up? It's an album cover.....