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AlphaEnder53 karma

Congratulations man. 360(?) here, and starting with the New Year's. Actually, only because that's when I get my paycheck, and therefore money to start dieting. I'm starting with the Hcg diet because I've had great success with it before, and then just doing what you were doing to keep it off. I've always struggled with my weight, but it finally hit a wtf point this year.

I'd climb into bed with my (now ex) girlfriend, and have to take a couple of breaths to compensate for that. I can't run for very long. Everything hurts because of the massive weight I'm carrying. My spine has been pulled forward because of my belly. Fuck me, and this is rather open, but I can never see myself when I'm flaccid, and maybe a third when I'm aroused. I've got a good extra three inches buried under the fat pad on my groin. I can't even breath out of my nose for very long while lying down because my lungs/heart need extra oxygen and strength to pump the blood around this massive body. Perhaps some of these aren't the best reasons, but they're my reasons, and that's what matters.

So, I've decided. No more. I'm tired of this bullshit. I'm tired of being fat, and knowing that someday I'll end up with diabetes, knee surgery, and having to wear specially modified shoes because I can't bend over to put them on, just like my grandpa. It ends here. Man, other things have been pulling it for me, but you're definitely an inspiration. Cheers to you man. I'm subscribing to /r/loseit once I start, and I cannot wait.

Edit: thank you for your support, guys and gals. I have subscribed to /r/loseit, and I intend to start dieting next Friday when I actually get money for healthy food and the like. On the exercise end, I have started walking to work, and about every other day I'm outside pushing carts at a Costco for 8 hours. I'm not really able to do much more without stopping about a minute later.

Baby steps, right?

AlphaEnder23 karma

It's for cleaning toilets, you perverts.

AlphaEnder4 karma

Sorry, on the oil note: Saudi Arabia and Iraq only provide 7% of our oil. The two together send significantly less than our top importer, Canada, while we rely on domestic oil for a large portion of our supply (I believe 36%).

Stats on importing countries: www.globalpost.com/dispatch/100726/top-7-us-oil-importer

That being said, thank you for your time in the military, and also for the AMA.

Edit: I'm not denying that the Middle East provides significant amounts of oil. What I am saying though is that they don't provide anywhere near half. 7% is not a number to ignore; I wouldn't be pleased if 7% of my paycheck randomly disappeared. It is not 50% though.