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AnOodFellow4548 karma

I’ve got to know: is there anyone in your life who you haven’t told the full extent of your cancer situation? And if so, have you noticed that they’ve changed their treatment of you back to normal? 21 yo male here who, after getting sick of the different treatment, told everyone I was cured. Made things go back to normal even though I’ll be gone in ~2 years. Edit: thank you for the gold x3!!!! It’s my first ever (now x3, WHAT IS HAPPENING?!) and I’m smiling like hell (x 3,000,000), all it took was having cancer ❤️

AnOodFellow3029 karma

Actually, yes. It would make my 2 years even more enjoyable if you take the following to heart: I’m at the best business school in the US, I was ranked top 6 out of 40,000 people for debate, and I’ve won the world championship for a robotics program multiple times. And all of it? All of it doesn’t mean shit. Achievements don’t matter, money (beyond providing for needs and travel) doesn’t matter, and your resume doesn’t matter. What matters more than anything is the effect you have on others — it’s the most valuable currency there is. As you drive to work, wave at the person you stop next to at the traffic light. Pick up coffee for your coworkers to surprise them, and give insightful (and not empty) compliments to people, NOT about their appearance, but rather about their heart and character. At the end of the day, we’re a ton of animals walking around and trying to make ends meet. And if you die having made even one person take a compliment to heart, if you die having made just one person laugh on a really hard day, you’ll have made the world an infinitely better place.

AnOodFellow686 karma

And I’m sorry we’re in the same situation. It’s so cliche, but keep that positive attitude and, as we don’t have much time, eat as much delicious food as you can!

AnOodFellow140 karma

Hey, I could be in a developing country with no health care and without access to treatment. I’ve been dealt 1 shitty card — the rest of them I’ve been lucky enough to have been awesome.

AnOodFellow108 karma

Thank you for saying that. I’m sorry for the stage 4: truly. As a science man, I’d love your input: I have brain cancer. Would a diet help in my case? And again: I’m sorry. I’m with you, my friend. You ARE Legolas in my heart.