Highest Rated Comments

AndiArch858 karma

Not a question, just a quick comment. First of all, as a librarian, banned book authors have a special place in my heart!

As a librarian and a mother, I keep a list of banned books to share with my daughter, broken down by age group. It's basically a yearly Christmas list consisting of nothing but banned books. I buy 9-10 for her every year in addition to her Santa list. These books will teach her tolerance, understanding, acceptance, and will make her feel comfortable in her own skin. Thank you for writing books that are truly for young adults. The dialogue is real, the situations are real. You did not create this storyline to tell them how they should act. You are telling a story based on how they do act. THANK YOU!

Edit: Holy crap, this comment exploded while I was sleeping. Thanks for the gold! You guys rock.

Edit2: I will get the list to everyone who requested it, edit this comment to add it here, and x-post to r/books.

Edit3: I DELIVERED! This was a bitch to format, but I did it for you guys! Banned books list

AndiArch115 karma

those stories tell not only how characters do act but what the consequences from those actions can be...

Yes! I grew up in a world where certain actions were categorized as right and others as wrong with no explanation other than "the bible says so" or "I say so." I never understood consequences until I achieved some independence. I had to make a lot of mistakes, often times dangerous mistakes due to my naivete, in order to learn consequences.

Our world is not black and white. Some people try to make it black and white. My morals or not your morals, my right way is not your right way. So many parents are setting up their children to be ignorant, intolerant, and incapable of making sound decisions. I refuse to be one of those parents!

AndiArch38 karma

I certainly can. I have it on my work computer. I'll message it to you on Monday. I added a reminder to my phone :)

AndiArch20 karma

Yep! I'll go ahead and post it here as well so everyone will see it.

Edit: I delivered!