Highest Rated Comments

Animalion18 karma

Hello Dr. Tucker,

Thank you for doing this AMA!

My question is what do you do to reduce stress/not have burnout in your long career?

Animalion2 karma

I'm glad the pictures of cookies worked for u/Petar_BG. ;) So, thanks guys a bunch for doing this.

So, my first question is what is the process of doing the shadows of wings of angels? (i.e., Castiel in Lazarus Rising and more recently Michael at the end of season 13) I have very little idea of how VFX works so I am curious of what is actually done.

My second question is on the program Maya. I showed one of my art friends u/AnsleyCG video on the Archangel Blade and she basically shouted "I HATE MAYA!" So my question is using Maya really that frustrating? :)

Animalion2 karma

I'm studying to be a conservationist/zoologist so I really appreciate the awesome work you are doing. I was wondering if you have to take into account the nine different giraffe subspecies when matching a donor and recipient? Or is the difference in the subspecies inconsequential in regards to plasma?

Animalion2 karma

When creating music for BBC's Perfect Planet do you try to create match the music to the species on screen (e.g., bird-like quality) or just the overall atmosphere?

Animalion2 karma

I know the concept of subspecies is somewhat controversial in the scientific community. So, I am curious when doing your research, on the speckled wood butterfly, did you only focus on Pararge aegeria as a whole (i.e., one species)? Or did you look at potential differences/results between the multiple subspecies?