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AntiDECA1 karma

What would you say is the main "goal" for the movement - do you just want to be treated fairly and have the Chinese Government respect their old agreements or do you want full fledged independence from China?

Obviously cutting out China completely would be great, but do you guys want to go all the way knowing the complications or are you content with just going back to how it is supposed to be? Do you think it is actually possible to get independence at this time? Obviously you are willing to withstand the hardships since it has been going on for so long now and the protests have not died down, but is HK prepared to sacrifice everything if they lose this battle and declare yourselves independent?

I have seen in some places both views and I am curious which is more common for people actually there. Would you stop if China decided to stop and treat you like they used to - or has that option gone out the window and you are totally done with any connection to China?

AntiDECA1 karma

And if the government agrees to these, you are content at least unless it happens again? Even knowing China is no stranger to lies and might turn around and do it again 3 years down the road? So there isn't desire to completely cut ties with China at least now, just for fair treatment and still remaining a part of China.