Highest Rated Comments

Anusman_3 karma

Haha, I'd personally hope you have some say in it if you've invested so much! But once you opened up ownership to public, as the team as indicated...

We think we've come up with a way. Led by Sam, the investors in this round have proposed to give 10% of their shares back to the community, in recognition of the central role the community plays in reddit's ongoing success. We're going to need to figure out a bunch of details to make it work, but we're hopeful. We'll have more specifics to share about it soon, but in the meantime we wanted to mention it here.

My understanding is that once you hit a certain number of owners (500?), it's got to go public. What do you think going public would mean for reddit?

Anusman_3 karma

Hi Sam--will the expansion to 'community ownership' be the beginning of an inevitable push towards an IPO? Do you plan to expand ownership of reddit without eventually going public? If so, how?