Highest Rated Comments

ArcherofArchet74 karma

It's because in Australia, everything is upside down!

jk, jk, I'll just show myself out...

ArcherofArchet17 karma

Does this service only do print books, or do they take care of Kindle/Nook/other e-reader editions as well?

I've been long planning to write an actually useful, "teach yourself" style textbook for adults to learn Hungarian... This summer I may just take the big step!

ArcherofArchet6 karma

Thank you!

ArcherofArchet3 karma

Eva, thank you for doing this AMA, and thank you for all your responses so far... It makes me feel a little better about humanity that there are people with emotional fortitude like yours. I'm sure there are/will be many questions on the gruesome, but I'm more interested in the "after."

You mentioned you were a SgtMaj in the Israeli army; did you ever have any other, "civilian" jobs afterwards? How did your experiences affect that, or your choice in careers?

I am in the legal field (although not an attorney yet), and I find stories like yours to be even more of an inspiration for me to pursue the fight for human and civil rights. Speaking of which - what is your opinion of entities like the ACLU, the Innocence Project, or various habeas corpus aid centers?

Once again... thank you.

ArcherofArchet3 karma

I'm a California paralegal student! Thank you for your work, guys... At this point, I'm looking into entering criminal prosecution - although my hope is to use prosecution as a "stepping stone" towards something similar to what you do. Hopefully, by knowing the trade "from the inside," I could be a better lawyer in defending indigent or near-indigent clients.

So.... my question to you is a little business-minded. Do you employ paralegals? If so, where do you have offices? :)

Three (plus one, without charging the usual hourly fee) cheers from Fresno!