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Arguss206 karma

Lawyer incomes are a bimodal distribution, with a large bulge of lawyers making not that great money considering they went to law school after college, and then another smaller bulge at the $160k mark.


I recall a Reddit thread or something where this was discussed, and they said basically that to be in the $160k bulge you have to go to a really really nice law school and then go to work in Manhattan with the prestigious law firms.

Arguss84 karma

There used to not be a Z coordinate? So boatmurdered was on one level not because of FUN but because they had no choice?

Arguss63 karma

I have to say, having it all on one level does make it seem grander, instead of 20 z levels each with 4 rooms around a central spire (or something similar), efficient though that may be.

Arguss63 karma

Availability bias. By definition the people who will grab headlines are people who are exceptional, so you're unlikely to hear about a lawyer working for the state government making $40k a year, but you are likely to hear about some lawyer who got millions off of a successful civil suit or something.

On the other hand, compared to the average American, $160k is actually really near the top of the charts, putting you at the 90th percentile.

Arguss52 karma

Do other countries not have national parks?