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Aspenkarius31 karma
I would disagree that the benefits are few. I can go the same distance on 16L of fuel in my bike as 70L in my truck. I am glad you plan to ride again though. I just got home from work and 20minutes on my bike in stifling heat beats 20minutes in my truck with AC.
Aspenkarius20 karma
I don't think I have ever seen someone side step a troll so gracefully.
Aspenkarius15 karma
This is a good point I had not thought of. No hours of service means slower speeds.
Of course that would have to be nailed down hard because industry will demand full speed because then they can get one truck to do twice as many runs.
Aspenkarius13 karma
Dear god. $125 just to visit the ER? It still baffles me that you have to pay to literally live in the US.
Aspenkarius809 karma
I wish more people (not just celebrities but all people) could understand this. Thank you.
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