Highest Rated Comments

Auroriia3 karma

I have a couple questions.

Do you think the cost's of living are going to ever to go back down or begin stabilizing in Colorado, What is your stance/thoughts on that?

I've been here for 25 years, and the prices have gotten horrible. Most Native Coloradoians are moving out of state because living out here is skyrocketing because of pot. No joke. Edit: If I land a full time job even at 15 an hour. I still would not be able to even afford a good small studio out here. (I may eventually be forced to move out of state.)

My next question is your stance on net neutrality, I'm 25, but what Can I do to get their attention and stop them from gutting net neutrality.

If net neutrality get's removed, I can kiss all my schooling, learning, and future career job goodbye since I'm a learning illustrator, and most everything I do is digital.

Auroriia3 karma

Thanks for your time! That seems understandable. Maybe it will get better eventually. Hopefully. @jaradpolis

I don't really understand what municipal broadband is. Perhaps Can anyone Eli5: What is municipal broadband is? *Is it a government based regulated internet? Is it an internet like it is now?