Highest Rated Comments

AwesomeFrisbee27 karma

I doubt he's allowed to answer a question like this.

AwesomeFrisbee9 karma

About one apple

AwesomeFrisbee5 karma

Its interesting that a lot of these signs can be from other things too, but eventually cause burnout as well. My signs came from lack of proper sleep (not enough oxygen which caused not enough quality sleep) which eventually caused a burn-out. Its really all interconnected and if one thing fails, the whole chain breaks. It also impressed me how long it took for my body to restore after I got better sleep. It was a very long process (about 1,5 years of struggling). Only recently I realized that my mood was normal again, my emotions under control, more energy to do stuff and not as much troubling thoughts that prevented me from getting into sleep mode. What also didn't help is that the sleep medication I got was actually holding me back, but also made me addictive enough that stopping it was a big big hurdle. My therapist was able to convince me to really go for it and I thank him a lot for it now. I have a lot more respect for your profession now.

AwesomeFrisbee4 karma

What helped me with thinking less of work is simply writing things down. Even if you might not use it, you at least cleaned up your mind. If there's stuff like "I need to do this", write it down and act on it when its actually time to do so. There's a time for work and a time not for work and you really need to set boundaries for when it isn't work time. Writing things down is a matter of seconds (when you do catch yourself thinking of work) and it will help you switch off a lot better, but ending a work shift with writing things down for the next shift, helps you structure things and compartmentalize.

I'm a developer and have lots of ideas of how to do stuff at work or things I might want to develop one day, so now I have a very long list of app ideas I may or may not act on, but at least now I have them written down somewhere. Eventually I noticed that a lot of ideas weren't very actionable, but at least I cleared my mind and was able to focus more on my own time. That and reworking my social media (to remove all the negativity and to only really follow wholesome or interesting stuff) has changed my mindset and decreased my stress by a lot.

AwesomeFrisbee2 karma

Repeating the question is also helpful. Both for yourself and the audience. Especially when you have a microphone and others might not have heard the question.