Highest Rated Comments

BFMX113 karma

Anonymity truly helps those struggling or interested in drugs get the most info without an ulterior motive. Even most of the harm reduction or educational drug subreddits here have little hiveminds. With no karma system or upvote downvote bullshit true darkweb forums can be really cool to get into the minds of the average, and not-so-average user.

BFMX44 karma

First Person Shooter was the first episode i watched. I snuck out of my room past bedtime to watch the "scary show" my parents watched. It sucked and never watched X-Files until i was 21. But when that episode came on it held a special place in my heart and actually enjoyed it. Do you have a hobby youre in love with?

BFMX35 karma

Andrew Zimmern confirmed to eat ass like its groceries.