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BearsysRevenge159 karma

hey mc I've been a fan since 05-06 and I want to thank you for everything you've done for me.

In the fall of 2008 I was in the midst of a serious depression and I felt completely hopeless.

I was so fucked up that when I was walking to and from college I would close my eyes as I crossed the street just in case a car wanted to come flying down the road at that moment.

As my depression worsened I decided to kill myself.

I cleaned my room, wrote a will for the distribution of my few belongings to my family and friends, and wrote letters to all of the important people in my life.

I decided that the best way to go would be by stepping in front of one of the many freight trains that travel through my neighborhood.

Cut to a few days later; I was sitting on the gravel embankment next to the train tracks, smoking a few bowls and listening to what I had intended to be my 'suicide playlist' which was essentially my favorite artists on shuffle as I worked up the nerve to step in front of a 200 ton steel box moving at 45mph.

After about a half hour of sitting and thinking I got up and started to pump myself up to put myself down.

That's when "Never Give Up" from the album 'mc chris is Dead' started playing.

And I sat back down. I listened to the song over and over, and I cried for the longest time.

After that I got up, walked home and tried to keep on trucking.

Maybe I would have found some other reason to stop from killing myself, or maybe I would have gone through with it, I don't know, but your music saved my life.

Now when I get down, I turn to your albums and that Never-give-up-never quit-keep-trying attitude that permeates your work is a serious help.

Thank you.

Edit: I just joined reddit two days ago for an unrelated reason, so I don't know the whole story behind the drama, but I don't give a fuck. People have clashes of opinions. People don't get along. That's human nature. No big deal, neh?

BearsysRevenge41 karma

Thank you so much for responding mc

BearsysRevenge15 karma

Thank you. I'm still alive, so I guess I am. Some days I don't feel that way though.