Berrybeak59 karma6/21/2015, 2:59:27 PM
Has there been a time where a punter was pretty much asking to have his/her face smashed in but you couldn't oblige because professionalism? What were they doing?
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Berrybeak10 karma4/12/2016, 7:05:45 PM
Hey! Thanks for doing this. My question is "what are we going to do tonight?"
Berrybeak3 karma9/18/2015, 4:02:46 PM
Good guy rats! Hopefully none of them accidentally set one off.
Berrybeak2 karma9/18/2015, 4:37:09 PM
Gets you down voted for voicing it though - oops!
Berrybeak1 karma3/10/2015, 7:05:29 PM
Hi Tim, huge fan of your eponymous 1989 work, "the internet" - any plans for a follow up?
Also who will you be voting for in the upcoming UK general election and why?
Berrybeak59 karma
Has there been a time where a punter was pretty much asking to have his/her face smashed in but you couldn't oblige because professionalism? What were they doing?
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