Highest Rated Comments

Bibidiboo12 karma

They won't be.. but the idea of probiotics has been a thing for decades so they can probably inform you about those.

Bibidiboo6 karma

I am pretty sure that the former Will happen more than the latter. Droughts and in a decade sea levels rising are already turning moderate climates into too hot and dry, dry climates will be totally screwed (see all of the middle east, the us, parts of asia, russia... Etc)

Bibidiboo2 karma

That's the American way..

Bibidiboo2 karma

AD(H)D and autism are very different kinds of disorders though, autism can be much more debilitating.

Bibidiboo2 karma

Does this mean you need to keep them happy enough to breed? Can you mistreat them and be a mean/evil tamer?