Highest Rated Comments

BillyDa59216 karma

Could you share a few more methods? This kinda stuff is really interesting.

BillyDa5980 karma

What was so surreal about Green River, UT?

BillyDa5937 karma

Why is this downvoted? Its a commonly held belief nowadays that America went into Vietnam because they were terrified of the "domino effect". I'm an American and I know my government better than to pretend we're not a war hungry, xenophobic nation. Its not the people's fault, its the government. The government that doesn't always serve the people's best interest.

BillyDa596 karma

The issue with just dumping toilet water into a body of water isn't the feces, it's all the other weird stuff people flush. Lots of people like to dispose of expired meds and other nasties via the toilet, and then all those lovely drugs do funny things to the animals who swim in them.

BillyDa592 karma

Is this why Apple put a limit on how many iPhones you could buy or something similar I heard about one time? I just remember the news making a big to do because some guy couldn't buy all the iPhones he wanted.