Highest Rated Comments

BlackoutMurray25 karma

Whats your major? do you have any internships? Considering the economic situation in America how do you feel knowing you may make 20k-35k LESS as a college grad than you do now as a college grad? How do you plan on coping with the disparity in income and living with less in your then, late 20s?

BlackoutMurray20 karma

Kevin, huge fan of the show room husbands of Hollywood, but I have a question: is this show a spoof on reality TV (like real housewives of Atlanta) or is it satirical to make fun of what we call for entertainment. Or this completely something else... (And my thinking too much into what it is?)

Also 15 min late?! CP time man c'mon.

BlackoutMurray3 karma

Dodge. Dodge. Dodge.

BlackoutMurray1 karma

Thanks to the jobs act you may be able to crowd fund it soon

BlackoutMurray1 karma

How do you determine or evaluate whether you keep scouts in the front office or you let them go if the players drafted do not contribute meaningfully. Specifically the guys drafted in the Pennington Clemens era.