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BreeMaree157 karma

🤦🏻‍♀️ WOW.

BreeMaree119 karma

Short term yes. Long term, not that I have found yet. The delivery of my son was very hard, but we dont think it was related.

BreeMaree82 karma

I did NOT actually. I thought I hit a rock. I just assumed when I jumped in, that my lady bits smacked a boulder underneath the water. It wasn’t until I walked to the car, and rode back to the apartment and pulled down my pants that I thought I fractured my pelvis or something. Didn’t realize what happened fully until after surgery. Still shook. 😂

BreeMaree70 karma

😂 NOPE- 24 year old Mama now.

BreeMaree60 karma

Erhhmm. Not sure how to answer that. No? I have a rebar tattoo? So if that counts as “in my life”.