CalcetasAmarillas4 karma2017-10-24 18:53:29 UTC
Thanks for this AMA, It came at the best time possible. A friend and I are trying to start using D&D for therapy purposes in México and your work has been an inspiration.
What do you take into account when designing a session? (Even story wise)
What kind of considerations are taken during character creation?
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Thanks again, keep up the great work and spreading the love.
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CalcetasAmarillas3 karma2017-10-25 00:03:03 UTC
Thank you so much!, we will keep you updated for sure.
CalcetasAmarillas4 karma
Thanks for this AMA, It came at the best time possible. A friend and I are trying to start using D&D for therapy purposes in México and your work has been an inspiration.
What do you take into account when designing a session? (Even story wise)
What kind of considerations are taken during character creation?
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Thanks again, keep up the great work and spreading the love.
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