Highest Rated Comments

Cassius68 karma

A few questions on economic policy:

1) How do you think we should best deal with our debt? I've heard the idea that deficits are a symptom of low growth and economic instability, not the problem, and that we need to focus on stimulus. However, I know that 10-15 years from now, we'll really regret not doing anything about our deficit if we don't do anything.

2) Do you think the Euro will have to lose a country or two in order to survive? Was it actually the case that the Europeans invested too heavily in pensions/ect., or is all of the European instability a result of a slowdown in growth to make up for the spending.

Cassius63 karma

Hi Emily, huge fan.

A pretty common thread in recent mass shootings is that the shooters tend to be lonely/alienated young white men. From your research into bullying/children's issues, have you found any specific reason for that?

You've recently written some essays for Slate on your reading of the Feminine Mystique, some 50 years later. Where do you think feminism is going into the future? Do you think Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In initiative is any part of feminism's future?

Again, I'm a huge fan and really love your work. Thanks for doing this!

Cassius62 karma

Hi David, huge fan of the Gabfest/Slate. Two questions:

1) Do you think the Dems would be better positioned to negotiate a compromise on Social Security and take a harder line on student loan reform, considering seniors almost never vote for Democrats and the Dems have far more political sway with younger voters?

2) I'm a polisci student. Any chance I can work at Slate in any way? I really love your work. Thanks!

Cassius62 karma

Hi Jesse, What advice do you have for young people who'd like to dress well on a budget?

Cassius60 karma

Hi Emily, huge fan of the Gabfest.

Do you think Obama will get another chance to nominate another Supreme Court justice? My guess is that Scalia's going to be too busy dismissing the liberals with argle bargle to retire.