Highest Rated Comments

CaulkingHoles48 karma

My sister had stage 4 cancer lymphoma and had the same treatment. She has been in remission for over 5 years. Obviously different types of cancer, but they told her at the time it was a long shot she live past 5 years. Stay positive!

CaulkingHoles12 karma

Just had back surgery after severe sciatic nerve compression. Can't feel my 3 last toes on my right leg and have a very weak right calf as well. Was told I may never get the feeling or function back. I'm only 28.

Edit- typo

CaulkingHoles7 karma

Get an MRI. The longer you wait with nerve issues the worse they get and harder they are to recovrer.

CaulkingHoles3 karma

I guess that's why healthcare is a hot political topic.

They may be expensive, but so are the potential consequences of not getting one.

CaulkingHoles3 karma

I still play sports, just not at the level I was before (semi pro). Life is still pretty normal.