Highest Rated Comments

Chipzzz34 karma

I understood that there were several "Room 641a"-type intercepts scattered around the country so that the NSA effectively had access to any and all communications that flowed through the U.S. Is that incorrect? Also, Isn't the Utah data center intended to resolve their inability to listen to everything all the time? Once that is in operation, if I understand correctly, anything they aren't actively listening to in real-time will be stored for future reference when it does interest them. Forgive me, but this all sounds very Orwellian to me.

Chipzzz19 karma

Here you go. The keywords start on page 20.

Chipzzz4 karma

Change can come from within.

Sometimes you have to move house (and learn a new language) abruptly after making those changes, though ;).

Chipzzz3 karma

Upvoted with reservations - I'd rather pay $20 to a doctor for a prescription than $20k to some shyster to get me off the hook for a 20 year bid for possession of a joint (oh, yeah, that was when I was a kid... my age is showing again). Granted, it's a shakedown, but then what is the u.s. government if not a protection racket with a thousand different subsidiaries?

Chipzzz3 karma

Why is there no "Healthcare for all," "Save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security," or "Make higher education affordable" campaign at Lobbyists4Good?