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Chloee_Mae13 karma

I’m not OP but I’m also a SW. I’m not sure her exact reasonings but it’s like passing through a portal that’s very difficult to get back through.

The work itself is incredibly satisfying and liberating. I’m free to work when and how I see fit. I answer to no one but myself. I’m also lucky because my husband and I started this together and we’re both 100% committed to it.

However the whole thing is a double edged sword. I’ve never escorted but making porn puts me at an elevated STI risk eve with vigorous testing and condom use. I’ve been assaulted by coworkers and fans because they seem to think the nature of my work changes the definition of consent.

On top of that SW is a charged subject and people have very strong opinions and feelings. Personally I’ve lost friends and family over it. Socially I’m now at permanent disadvantage in the regular world. Im at constant risk of changing laws and regulations. My bank accounts can be frozen and all my money taken. All of the chaos with Reddit and Twitter are putting me at risk of being deplatformed no matter how strictly I follow the TOS.

Finally, the longer I do this the more difficult it will be for me to find a regular job without a very open minded hiring manager or creating one myself. Also the better I do financially, the more difficult it is to justify leaving to find another job. I’m just not going to find something that matches it with my current resume. It is a trap.

Even if I had only done a handful of videos, those videos would be like a guillotine constantly floating above me waiting to drop. No matter how much I tried to hide them there’s always the risk someone would find them and use them to make my life hell.

So in the end, making the decision to become a sex worker is not something anyone should do lightly. You have to be willing to commit completely and accept all the consequences. For most people it’s not worth it.

Chloee_Mae3 karma

Fair enough. I have a degree in Psychology so I could probably find something doing outreach/counseling. However, I got started while I was in school and with the exception of some restaurant experience my entire career has been SW.