Highest Rated Comments

Choubugioxkei93 karma

does seasonic in fact make corsair's psus? (google says yes, but that may be outdated or flat-out wrong.)

Choubugioxkei2 karma

why are american comics serialized such that what you buy at the store is just a single series? why are american comics not sold in anthologies, as japanese comics are? were american comics once sold in anthologies, and if so, what happened to them?

Choubugioxkei2 karma

Torrenting books is bad and wrong.

for d&d 3.5 and before, only as of the last year or so, since only in the last year or so could you actually buy the books digitally, and some of the supplements still aren't available in pdf. shit, i doubt all of 2nd ed will ever be available for digital purchase.

for supplements that aren't available for digital purchase, torrenting the book is no worse than torrenting an out-of-print game.